Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
non-lame halfbakery tagline

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snarfyguy at gmail dot com

[May 16 2001, last modified Mar 23 2010]
(+6) Air Parentheses
 Al Hirschfeld Machine
(+4, -5) All-Commercial TV Station
(+4, -5) Animated Tattoos
(+1) ATM “Random” selection
(+2, -1) Average Speed Indicator
 Bad Table Manners Restaurant
 Black Light Flashbulb
 Bottled Fountain Soda
(+1, -5) Bulletproof Hood
(+3, -2) Caffeinated Liquor
(-1) Caller I.D. Block Override
(+22, -8)(+22, -8) Cheek Bite Preventer
(+23)(+23)(+23) Cut ‘n’ Paste-able Windows Error Messages
 Double TV
 Drain Wipers
(+4, -2) Electric Driveway
(-1) Electronic Teeth Cleaning
(+3, -2) Eliminate Night
(+2) Fake Jukebox
(+2, -10)(+2, -10) Fake Package Thermometer
(+109, -7)(+109, -7)(+109, -7) Fatal Auto Collision Song
 Glass Toilet
(+6, -1) “Godel, Escher, Bach” Amusement Park
 Graffiti for the Blind
(+1, -2) Headlights Default to “On” Position at Night
(+32)(+32)(+32) Hovercraft Ottoman
 Improvement to Celebrity Bashing
(+2) Keyboard
(+6, -7) Less-Frequent Christmas
(-6)(-6) Links Open New Windows in Halfbakery
 "Local" Elevator
 Low-calorie liquor
(+4, -1) Means for Smuggling Liquid Contraband
(+2, -6) Meat as Tobacco Additive
(+15, -1)(+15, -1) Multiple Reverse Gears
(+8, -1) Musicians’ Swiss Army Knife
 Nicotine Pill
(+4, -2) Night Vision Windshield
(+1) No (Whatever) Indicator
(+9, -4) Numerical Scrabble
(+5, -1) Paperback Book-Format Newspapers
(+25, -2)(+25, -2)(+25, -2) Peas on the Cob
(+5, -2) People Bonz ®
(+4, -5) Perforated Currency
(+26, -5)(+26, -5)(+26, -5) Pornography-Enhanced Second-Hand Computers
 Pre-Paid Gambling Debt
 Pre-paid Parking Tickets
(-2) Real Back Seat Driving
(+1, -3) Real Headlights
(+5, -2) Receipt Club
 Recommended Reading
(+3, -6) Smuggle Drugs in Body Implants
(+3, -1) Soap Opera Relationship Model
(+5, -2) Sound Effect for CD Player
(+1) Spray-On Rust
(+3, -2) Stealth Car
 Stock Market for Amnesiac Precognates
(+21, -2)(+21, -2) Strike Anywhere $100 Bills
(+10, -1)(+10, -1) Subscription Underwear
(+12)(+12) “Surprise Me” Setting for Time Bomb
 Tennis for the Blind
(+9)(+9) Three-Dimensional Crossword Puzzle
(+2, -3) True Music Mixing
(+4, -7) True Random Number Generator
(+6, -2) Vanishing Checks
(+2, -4) Variable-Width Tie
(+19, -2)(+19, -2) X-Ray Pornography

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