Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
(Serving suggestion.)

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It's Alex Tim backwards.

[Oct 03 2008, last modified Feb 19 2011]
(+6) A nice cold drink
(+5) A nice cold drink II
(+5) A Self Pumping Fountain
(+14)(+14) Alpha Pendant
(+1) ANC Brake Pads
(+4) Anti-Doppler Beamforming Ambulance Siren
(+3) Auto Headbanger
(+3) Automatic Gas Kettle
(+5) Automatic Thermostatic Imbiber
(+4) Autotune Slide Whistle
(+4) Backwards Fountain
(+10)(+10) Barometric Toaster
(+4) Bernoulli's Barbecue Tongs
(+9)(+9) Biometric Toaster
(+3) Bluetooth over USB
(+12)(+12) Bowtie Headphones
(+4) Breach Detection
(+5) Bubblewrap Popping Assistance Tool
 Calorie-neutral Confection
(+7) Chinese Water Torture Alarm Clock
(+2) Circadian Metronome
(+22)(+22)(+22) Clockwork Battery
(+3) Construction Toy
(+19)(+19) Conveyor-Belt Self-Cleaning Extractor Fan
(+9)(+9) Custard Die
(+8)(+8) Custard Earmuffs
(+7) Dambusters Play Set
(+4) De Selby's Toilet Brush
 Decent Electric Hob
(+10)(+10) Double Helix Fountain
(+3, -1) Dynamically Variable Temperament Piano
(+1) Dynamite Battery
(+7) Electric Parachute
(+5) Electrostatic Boots
(+7) Elevator Fountain
(+3) Emergency Autorotating Escape Hat
(+8)(+8) Engine Chorus
(+11)(+11) Executive Document Fastener
(+4) Exercise Mower
(+3) Fly-by-wire Bicycle
(+11)(+11) Flying Car
(+5) Frame Lock
(+6) Geocentric Orrery Sundial Watch
(+6) Giant Loppers
(+4) Gradient Tog Duvet
(+9)(+9) Heatshrink Socks
(+2) Homing Hubcaps
(+4) Hoover MP3 Player
(+6, -1) Hot Server
(+12)(+12) Hourglass Mechanical Clock
(+6) Human-readable 2d Barcode
(+4) Human World
(+8)(+8) Hydroelectric Calculator
(+3) Hydrophobic Trouser Attachments
(+2) Inductive Automatic Watch Winder
(+12)(+12) Inert Gas Kitchen Tap
(+8)(+8) Intracardiac Adrenaline Injection Alarm Clock
(+3, -4) Intravenous Coffee Alarm
(+3) Jacquard Wind Chimes
(+3) Joule's Domestic Hot Water Supply
(+7) Joule's Kettle
(+1, -2) KiloVolt Toilet
(+2) Knife Toaster
(+3) Laser Handwheels
(+12)(+12) Lawn Knitter
(+8)(+8) Lenticular Traffic Lights
(+5) Lest Lint be Lost
(+2) Let Water Flow Uphill
(+6) Louvre Timer
(+5) Macbeth Soap
(+7) Many Wings Make Flight Work
(+8)(+8) Microphonic Rope
(+3) Mirror Blinds
(+8)(+8) Mitre Saw Nut Cracker
(+15)(+15) Moore's Pocket Calculator
(+10, -2)(+10, -2) Motherboard Irrigation
(+1, -6)(+1, -6) Nanoworld Domination
(+5, -2) Nitinol Tent Poles
(+3, -5) Non-violent anti-rape device
(+1) NTP over NFC
(+12)(+12) Old Timey Self-Checkout
(+6) One Shot Web
(+9)(+9) One-way Glass
 Park in the Sky
(+5) Penrose Pixels
(+5, -2) PeopleWheel
(+7) Personal Globus
(+1) Piezoelectric Implosion Cartridge
(+9)(+9) Plasma Stove
(+4) Plutonium Watch
(+2, -1) Portable Personal Private Planetarium
(+3, -5) Pot Luck
(+5) Pothole Fingerprints
 Purple Light
 Quasistable Laptop
(+3) Quick Release Windscreen Wipers
(+7) Ramset Bikelock
(+3) Resonance Time
(+6) Rex Garrod
(+10)(+10) Russian Roulette on the Putting Green
(+4) Self-heating Zipper
(+6) Shearing pin tumbler lock
(+2) Shoe Horn
(+5) Single Room Lighting
(+14)(+14) Slinky Roomba
(+6) Socks Machine
(+5, -1) Soft Keys
(+5) Soldering Iron Strain Sensor
(+5, -2) Solid Fuel Lighter
(+6) Solid Fuel Lighter II
(+2) Sophisticated Sundial
(+27)(+27)(+27) Sorta Claus Returns
(+4) South Facing Ear Trumpet
(+12)(+12) Steam Calculator
(+12)(+12) Steampunk Mug
(+11, -1)(+11, -1) Strandbeestcase
(+4) Stretch Belt
(+8)(+8) Swiss Roll Nuclear Reactor
(+2) Tethered Hot Water Bottle
(+2) The Megalomaniac's Melodica
(+11)(+11) The Physical Jpeg
(+14, -1)(+14, -1) Thermochromic House Paint
(+6) Thor's Piano
(+4, -1) Tiltrotor Autogyro Quadcopter Hybrid
(+1) Time Travelling Computer
(+3) Total Balance
(+3) Tube Amp Camera
(+6) Upside-Down Fountain
(+2) Van der Bed
(+6) Variocentric Orrery
(+9)(+9) Velodrome in the Sky
(+3) Web Versioning
(+8)(+8) Whisk Sharpening Kit
(+19, -1)(+19, -1) Wifi Shredder
(+8)(+8) Wind-up Boots
(-2) Yet Another Reactionless Drive

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