Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Intracardiac Adrenaline Injection Alarm Clock

For those who really, really struggle to get out of bed
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Heavily spring loaded arm is set to fire after the nth press of snooze. If the threat of a needle being stabbed into your heart does not wake you up, the adrenaline dose surely will.
mitxela, Apr 04 2015

Pulp Fiction adrenaline scene https://www.youtube...watch?v=ZOoJoTAXDPk
[mitxela, Apr 04 2015]


       Painful, highly dangerous and inadvisable, significant probability of lethal consequences, reckless, stupid and foolish in the extreme, therefore [+].   

       Can the injection be a dart fired from a high-power airgun ? If so, [++].
8th of 7, Apr 04 2015

       beautiful [+]   

       Not that you would want something less dangerous but if you did you could wear an IV to bed and have that inject the adrenaline instead. Or if you're really a pansy you could have a gentle, warm mist of caffeine sprayed on your face about 30 minutes before waking time.
Voice, Apr 04 2015


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