

Between 2002-2010 I posted under an alias that was erased due to a time travel mishap. This is the original account.

Update. 2017 Changed my name to Richie Banks I own a smart house and plan to buy a hoverboard when prices go down.

[Sep 05 2001, last modified Jul 30 2017]

Aerosolized champagne (+5)
Affirmative action in basketball (+3)
affirmative action in game shows (+1, -1)
Alexa who farted? (+6)
All white news reporters wear burqas overseas. (-3)
anonymous browsing with user end accounting (+1, -3)
anyone but______ voting option. (+14, -2)
Automated signals and horns (+1)
Bagel Plates (+11)
Ball Ironer (+3, -3)
bathsuit (+9)
Big Ding Dong (0)
Browser based link redirect (0)
Buffet contingency stock option (+4)
calorie codes (+8)
Canada Constitution Day (+2)
Celebrity Egg Bank (+2)
Chris Pratfall (0)
clam backed dollar (+1, -1)
Conception Insurance (+1)
content documentation though video (0)
cooking sunglasses (+4)
Dating hack (0)
Decoy Heart (+2)
Delayed program startup at login (0)
Dim Mak reversal device (+2)
Dog Poop Gutters (0)
Dragon Trap (0)
dream catcher alarm (-1)
eau de frack (+2)
edible toilet paper (+1, -1)
eviction locks (0)
fake bird poo spray (+3)
Fatberg Heaters (+1)
feline missile defence (0)
fingerpads (+3)
fingerprint obfuscation (+12)
foot tools (0)
Friendzone Banana Co. (+2)
fungal recognition (+3)
Get the flash a bicycle (-1)
give a needle take a needle (+3)
Godzilla trap (+3)
gun tweets (+4)
Half tickets to the Opera (+4, -2)
hide or consolidate highlights function (+3, -1)
high diver bum plugs (+4)
home blood removal (+4)
How to Seize Friends and Mentally Conquer People. (+6)
Illicit porn blocker (+2, -1)
Industrial Espionage Scheme (+6)
Internet of Tings (0)
inverse etf of market losers (+1, -1)
ipod queue mode (+1)
Just Ladies Barbershop (+2)
kit that turns shopping cart into electric car. (+4)
laser for your thingie (+1)
lazer guided anti-feline radar (+1)
Legal Name Suggester. (+1, -1)
Location as a factor in authentication (+8, -1)
Long turkey baster (+1)
make place names signs readable from space (+2)
make popcorn in the clothes dryer (0)
medium strength velcro (+1)
mobile boudoir photography (0)
Muffin Holes (+2)
Muntlinational Nooscope (+1)
neuroblockers (+1)
new currency (0)
new means of annoyance (+2)
nuisance rate (+1, -1)
OCR Calculator (-1)
phone simulator (+2) (+6, -2)
privacy enhancing camera shutter. (0)
private sex booths (+3)
rectal analizer (+2, -2)
regularly scheduled earthquakes (+3)
reincarnation via instalment plan (0)
Remidial immigration (+2, -1)
remote control houseboat (+6)
Remote Control Shaks (0)
report bad parking app (-1)
Robot boomerang thrower (+3, -1)
Seebeck regenerative car charger. (0)
Sell Ice to Walruses (0)
Semen doping (0)
Sexual injury insurance (+3)
Sharks with Spearguns. (0)
shock sensor for headgear (+3)
shoes with automatic cushioning (0)
Snakes on a speeding bus. (0)
Soft Nuts (+6)
Spamspeak (+2)
spazz insurance (+1)
spite aid (+1)
split region settings for google search (+1)
Stump Restore (+7, -1)
survival kit in a bottle (+5)
tax rebates for random acts of kindness. (+1)
Uber style Spermbank (+3)
use caution (+5, -3)
Use eye tracking to induce hallucinations (+2)
vagina filter for pregnancy videos (+2)
Virtual therapist (0)
Vision Reducing Contact Lenses (+2, -1)
watch based lube dispenser (+1)
Ways to ensure supercomputers dont take over (-2)
world wrestling belt with hidden fanny pack. (+4)
Zoologist operating in a security advisory role (0)

random, halfbakery