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what to do with all those coffee grinds

statues out of beans
  [vote for,

most of us drink 1-6 cups of coffee a day ya? well why not use all those wasted coffee grinds for some actual good. my idea is to take those grinds to a big factory and compact them into molds of statues or furnature and the like. then after they are molded and dried they could be varnished so they look like wood. it would be cheap and plentifull. it might even look good.
masher, Jun 01 2004

a tiny spell checker utility for web text boxes etc. http://www.iespell.com/
works well. nice add-on for internet explorer [xclamp, Oct 04 2004]

per capita consumption statistics for various food stuffs http://www.infoplea...m/ipa/A0104742.html
custard is not listed [xclamp, Oct 04 2004]

per capita consumption measured in cups http://www.fas.usda.../10-00/coffcons.pdf
i promise no more links [xclamp, Oct 04 2004]

(?) the physics of granular particles http://science.nasa...2002/04dec_mgm2.htm
our boy masher is onto something here (really last link this time) [xclamp, Oct 04 2004]

jury v.jerry rigged http://web.ask.com/...r1.htm&qte=0&o=8002
ah what's another link among friends [xclamp, Oct 04 2004]

What to do with all those coffee grounds? http://news.nationa...41025_java_log.html
Like I said, fireplace logs. (Thanks, Jordan for pointing this out. I guess I'm not as dumb as I look.) [half, Oct 06 2005]

Make universal grippers for robots https://www.google....h?q=jamming+gripper
[notexactly, Nov 08 2018]


       my grandma used to toss them in her garden as fertilizer. she has since died but i don't think it was related to this practice.
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       There's beans and then there's has beans.
DesertFox, Jun 01 2004

       Yeah, I’d like a cup of coffee...and, oh, I want the grinds. What? Well, see, I’m saving it to make a sculpture of President Bush. What was that? No, I’m NOT crazy. It’s going to be a chair too. You sit on his face.
ldischler, Jun 01 2004

       P.S. it's beAns, not beEns
DesertFox, Jun 01 2004

       i'm not much for capitalization, but spelling i like. (link). u.s.a. per capita consumption of coffee in 1999 was 10 lbs (raw bean equivalent). (other link) in 2000 u.s.a. per capita consumption of brewed coffee was 1.66 cups (other other link). maybe you could make coffee cups from the grounds?
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       Could we use them to repave roads with ? Imagine the scent of traffic, or the sharp robust rubbery aroma of a panic skid......
normzone, Jun 01 2004

       innuendos from the Treasure Balls link:   

       //If your (sic) giving a young boy a collection of marbles, or plastic lizards, hide them in treasure balls.//   

       who's the sick fuck that invented this?
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       //Put them on the garden - slugs hate caffeine//   

       that's odd because they're nocturnal. maybe it's because it keeps them up all day then.
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       Have you heard the one about the guy in the café who complained that the coffee tasted like mud and the waitress told him that it was ground yesterday?
FarmerJohn, Jun 01 2004

       Hey, MO--you complain about spelling and then misspell "capitalization?"
Eugene, Jun 01 2004

       [Eugene] 'capitalisation' is the british variant of 'capitalization'. it does get caught in spell checkers though, at least the american made ones...none of this has to do with coffee grounds however.
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       I voted yes on the grounds that this is funny!
DesertFox, Jun 01 2004

       re. xclamp's late grandmother, we passed a bin in a rural Starbucks offering used grinds to people wanting them for compost. All were taken.   

       (Of course, the fact that there was a rural Starbucks may be taken by some as a sign of the imminent collapse of Western Civilisation.)
DrCurry, Jun 01 2004

       Does anyone have any knowledge about the structural integrity of compressed coffee grounds?
scad mientist, Jun 01 2004

       //Does anyone have any knowledge about the structural integrity of compressed coffee grounds//   

       funny you should ask. nasa does. (link)
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       (drumming fingers, waiting for new link [Worldgineer] realizes that it shall never come, as [xclamp] has promised no more links) (but wait! turns out our boy/girl [xclamp]'s word is worth less than the lack of electronic energy it's displayed with)
Worldgineer, Jun 01 2004

       [worldgineer] promises, like coffee ground statues are made to be broken.   

       //re. xclamp's late grandmother, we passed a bin in a rural Starbucks offering used grinds to people wanting them for compost. All were taken.//   

       we did the same thing with grandma's ashes, but it was a Seattle's Best Coffee. all were taken. this too was seen as a sign of imminent collapse of western civilzation.
xclamp, Jun 01 2004

       It's ok. The link was worth it.
Worldgineer, Jun 01 2004

       xclamp: ha!
DrCurry, Jun 01 2004

       [Eugene], it would have been ironic had it only been wrong!
It isn't the British variant, it's the correct spelling... American is the variant!
MikeOliver, Jun 01 2004

       Adding to [xclamp] and [Tabs], ants hate caffeine, too, so sprinkle around the base of rose bushes will help reduce aphids of various hues (black/green/ red) who are protected and managed by ants, e.g. ladybird/bug larvae are molested by ants as they feast on aphids.
timbeau, Jun 02 2004

       Ain't no such thing as coffee 'grinds'.
FarmerJohn, Jun 02 2004

       //Ain't no such thing as coffee 'grinds'//   

       sure there are. there are espresso, turkish, course grinds etc.   

       based on a quick google search, i'm guessing that 'grinds' and 'grounds' are regional preferences as i find instances of both to describe 'used' coffee. can the 'grinders' verify?
xclamp, Jun 02 2004

       On a similar vein, the NY Times referred to something badly built as "jury rigged" the other day. Interesting cross-over from "Jerry-rigged," the war-time derogative.
DrCurry, Jun 02 2004

       [DrCurry] yet another link jury v. jerry. hard to believe there was an idea here once.   

       how bout those coffee ground statues eh?
xclamp, Jun 02 2004

       Ha! Jerry from jury, not jury from Jerry.
DrCurry, Jun 02 2004

       [xclamp] Dictionary.com leads me to believe that "grinds" (n. A specific grade or degree of pulverization, as of coffee beans: drip grind) is coffee before brewing, while "grounds" (n. The sediment at or from the bottom of a liquid: coffee grounds) is after and what is referred to in this idea.
FarmerJohn, Jun 02 2004

       But there are such things.
Worldgineer, Jun 02 2004

       Yes, you're both right, and one could probably even write //used grinds//, but surely the title is misleading.
FarmerJohn, Jun 02 2004

       I'll buy that.   

       Oh, and I thought this was going to be an idea about how to make coffee.
Worldgineer, Jun 02 2004

       //On a similar vein, the NY Times referred to something badly built as "jury rigged" the other day. Interesting cross-over from "Jerry-rigged," the war-time derogative.//
That's 'Jerry-built', shirley. 'Jury-rigged' refers to a temporary or emergency rigging on a sailing ship. 'Jerry-built' refers to a building made from inadequate materials.
angel, Jun 03 2004

       Taking the Jerry and Jury thing from my experiance it tends to be Jerry-Built - shody or badly built mainly on a large scale, Jury rig is more a botched temporary repair. Can also be split along the if or any of my mates do it it is jury rigged if someone else did it it might be jerry built.   

       on the idea its self, why not just compost the GROUNDS?
engineer1, Jun 03 2004

       Jury rigging is an old nautical term - it's a way to get some sails up if the main mast on a sailing ship comes down, AFAIK, and as such predates the phrase "jerry-built". (link)
david_scothern, Jun 03 2004

       Back to coffee grounds/grinds (actually I've also heard them called 'grouts') and their uses...   

       One of my friends who worked in a (non-Starbucks) coffee bar in a U.K. shopping mall told me that they saved the grounds|grinds|grouts from decent coffee and used it brew something they called "American Blend" based on the (probably false) premise that American visitors prefer bland tasting coffee whose flavour is masked by lots of cream.
dobtabulous, Jun 03 2004

       Hey, [masher]:
sp: furniture, plentiful
k_sra, Jun 03 2004

       How much caffeine is left in coffee grounds, grinds, or grouts? How about rolling, pressing and drying them into a high-fibre breakfast cereal? Sort of like All-Bran but with some point to it.
Basepair, Jun 03 2004

       And a hideous flavour then Basepair.
engineer1, Jun 04 2004

       And an awful lot of wired people hitting the streets just after breakfast, too...
david_scothern, Jun 14 2004

       Do coffee grounds taste worse than coffee?   

       "what to do with all those coffee grinds" alternate uses:   

       Given their similar appearance (to some brands/styles), could the used grounds be dried and sold as a chewing tobacco substitute? Lots of flavor varieties.   

       I guess the ground beans don't cream like peanuts or you could make "coffee butter" sandwich spread.   

       Or, pressed into a product similar in appearance to "chopped and formed" beef jerky? (equally edible, no doubt)   

       Could coffee grounds provide a "second pressing" like grapes or olives for a lesser quality coffee product?   

       Bake the grounds in to brownies? I hear that it's done with certain forms of other types of plants (in addition to wheat)   

       Mix with paraffin to make fireplace logs?
half, Jun 14 2004

       Coffee grounds are a marvelous mulch for house plants, except that it keeps them up all night. >never mind. back to your fun<
MauiChuck, May 17 2005

       Real nice. Sorry about your crashed account, belated welcome and belated goodbye from the HB!
Shadow Phoenix, Sep 30 2007

       Why I like this site, an idea is tossed up and honed by billions of surfers (mostly silent, until they have something really good to say.)   

       Chapeau to -half- didn't think to check, glad to revive -masher's- idea.   

       Thanks -xclmap- the NASA article was great. Interlocking grounds are unexpected plus.   

       So the grounds might make extra strong board, likely much harder than average press board or plywood. Using plastic resin is a last resort, there must be a chemical glue that reacts best with coffee oil, so it wouldn't even be necessary to pre-wash them in some powerful solvent, another last resort. Resin would cut any hope of a scent.   

       Wonder what the hardness is compared to oak or crushed nut shells. It would probably make excellent stock to mill and form.   

       I've used a fine-grained, green tinted, anti-humidity, sub-floor, particle board for furniture. When varnished with authentic marine boat varnish it turns deep, rich green; and instead of the cheap feeling you get from too much gloss varnished pine furniture (sorry if I stepped on some toes,) here the gloss makes it look like some fine grain granite as the eye is drawn into the infinite particles. If you're house is filled with varnished yellow pine, you might want to add some of this deep green board.   

       Surprisingly attractive considering it's the cheapest board out there. Actually, just a half euro more than the large chips press board which is so ugly, or the medium chipped, as ugly. The edges can even be rounded without the need for edging, so panels can have easily and cheaply have curved shapes and rounded edges.   

       A box with the 90°corners made from 45°cut edges, then sanded to a 1/4" radius gives the look of fine marble.Two or three polished coats and you have easy to work, lightweight 'granite.' Which happens to compliment strongly with varnished yellow pine moulding.   

       Easy to inlay with router. Laquer likely better, maybe for coffee grounds too.
M Carter, Jan 26 2008

       They did.
RayfordSteele, Nov 08 2018


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