Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
Assume a hemispherical cow.

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sergeant duckie

supervillian who uses ducks as his fear inflicting pawns
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sergeant duckie will hypnotize poor mindless ducks to do his bidding. for example: poop bombing raids, bites, noise pollution (excessive quacking) killing afflack insurance buyers and buying rival insurance company stock, ect. this may be a supervillian counterpart to aquaman....possibly controlling other birds as well?
sergeant dukie, Dec 04 2002


       A contrived idea to suit a pun made on your own name? How anal can you get? (Rhetorical question - demonstration not required).   

       Oh, and what [Arthur] said.
egbert, Dec 04 2002


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