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playgrounds with NOISE…

enhance the kid’s play equipment with authentic sounds with the volume knob turned up high.
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children just love noise – they make enough of it, just listen…

wouldn’t they just love some loud noise to accompany their swinging, sliding and climbing.

the climbing frames could have a background of monkeys chattering and screeching; the higher they climb, the louder the howls and screams.

their slides should be accompanied by train noise - an engine building up a momentum as the child climbs the ladder, then entering a tunnel and shuddering to a halt with a metallic slicing noise.

roundabouts that imitate a football fan’s clackers.

see-saws that mimic a drummer on some kind of suspicious substance.

I’m not quite sure what, but really something should re-create the noise of a Harley-Davidson.

po, Apr 18 2007


       //I’m not quite sure what, but really something should re-create the noise of a Harley-Davidson.//   

       Those wibble-wobble things shaped to look like frogs and dolphins and whatnot, the ones that the kids sit on and rock back and forth on. Or else the long things with room for about ten kids to sit on, that also rock back and forth though less wobblily, but you rarely see those these days.   

       Great idea (albeit those living next to the playground might be driven mad by it). [+]   

       Kids would also love if the see-saw makes one of those 'whistle-whomp' sounds, the speed timed to match the movements of the see-saw. Whiiiistle-whoomp... "hey cool, let's go faster!" ...whistle-whomp, whstle-whmp, wst-wmp, wst-wmp, wst-wmp!
imaginality, Apr 18 2007

       Something is lost here in that a child's imagination is supposed to create the context in which the playgound equipment is used. Defining sounds for specific pieces severely limits that ability.
nuclear hobo, Apr 18 2007

       I like this idea, it makes me imaginate all sorts of things.   

       The trick would be to implement it in a robust way, but I think little flat electronic boxes could be put on swings and most other equipment, that sense acceleration and output sound according to a selected option. +
Ling, Apr 19 2007

       You don't want to over-program children's playgrounds - they are meant to be using their imaginations, after all. But if they could pick the sounds, I think they'd have a ball!
DrCurry, Apr 19 2007

       //I’m not quite sure what, but really something should re-create the noise of a Harley-Davidson.//   

       Potatoes, of course: perhaps those supplied for potato-print purposes.
Ned_Ludd, Apr 19 2007

       This reminds me of those machines they have in some pubs these days which generate a background of gentle hubbub. Stay until closing time when they switch it off and you suddenly realise the 50 other people you thought were still in there are long gone.
-alx, Apr 19 2007

       Do children still go to playgounds in the age of Playstation, computers, cell phones and 500 station tv?
nuclear hobo, Apr 19 2007

       <sentimental luddite>
Yes, they do. They even still make up new rhymes for playground clapping games with silly actions. It warms my heart.
pertinax, Apr 19 2007

       Of course these days their mothers drive them to the playground in a vehicle the size of their great-grandmother's house.
Galbinus_Caeli, Apr 19 2007

       [rcarty] I thought that was what churches were for.
Galbinus_Caeli, Apr 19 2007

       no thanks...enough noise in this world between my neighbor's screeching infant, bass-booming Honda Civics, and 24-hour television pouring in from every wall.
Archbishop Furball, Apr 19 2007


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