Stage 1. Finds text areas and marks them (say, with a yellow
Stage 2. Finds drawing/picture areas and marks them
differently (say with a half-transparent light-purple box)
Stage 3. Allow user to change sensitivity of automatic text-
area discovery (which would change for example
how much
the text that's seen from the other side of the page is to be
detected, or stuff written in pencil).
Stage 4. Allow user to "mark" more text to be treated, and
"unmark" part of the texts that was previously marked, so
those areas will not be treated.
Stage 5. The user can choose to sharpen with or without
Stage 6. When sharpening with OCR, the letters are
Questionable letters give options of which letters they could
be. For example capital O Q C or D
Stage 7. The user can choose colors for treated background
and text.
Stage 8. The user can choose to treat the background or
the background as is.
Stage 9. Press sharpen,
For the default all areas outside the two types of markings
turned to white and the texts are sharp.