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ie Remote Control

Or: [Insert Your Browser Here] Remote Control
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Like a TV remote, but featuring only the buttons you use to control your web browser, plus a big green "Follow Hyperlink" button. Very useful if you browse information sites, such as BBCi.

With the ie Remote, you could recline gracefully on your chaise longue, and enjoy the information on your widescreen plazma TV. Aiming your ie remote at the screen would move the cursor.

I imagine relaxing squidgy buttons, painted to look just like the icons on the top of your browser. Too often, I feel "worky" when I'm sitting at my desk, and I'd like to relax while browsing. The ie Remote would help.

It wouldn't be good for this site, or any site which requires interaction - but hell, nothing is good for *everything*.

As different media continue to merge, I'm amazed this hasn't been done before. Still, I've googled myself silly, but found nothing yet.

Fishrat, Dec 24 2003

mince pies - yum http://irelandforvi...recipes/blmince.htm
[po, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Mouse Remote http://www.habitek....2001EC/itm00252.htm
[v0rtexx, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Wireless keyboards have some browser buttons on them. Logitech's have cool programmable buttons. But sometimes the wireless mouse can leave you hunting for a proper surface.
Letsbuildafort, Dec 24 2003

       I have an Internet touch mouse in the closet, which mitigates the need for a flat surface, but the fact that it's sitting in the closet and not on my desktop should tell you something. And not that it's gay, po.   

       My son, in this context, likes to operate his computer (browser and/or IMs) while sprawled on his bed or the floor nearby. So I really rather think you're barking up a Baked tree.
DrCurry, Dec 24 2003

       Sprawled on the bed DrC? Can you imagine what that's doing to his vertibrae? No, my ie Remote is altogether more convenient, and relaxing. What makes it so is the *lack* of keyboard and mouse. You can't interact. You must sit back and relax.   

       By the way, how do you know that your Internet touch mouse isn't gay? I mean, how d'ya know?   

       Merry Christmas, DrC.
Fishrat, Dec 24 2003

       Happy mouse, keep talking happy mouse,
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?
Talk about the moon floating in the sky
Looking at a lily on the lake
Talk about a bird learning how to fly
Making all the music he can make!
Happy mouse, keep talking happy mouse
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
Talk about the sparrow looking like a toy
Picking through the broaches of a tree
Talk about the girl, talk about the boy
Counting all the ripples on the sea
Happy mouse, keep talking happy mouse
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
Talk about the boy saying to the girl
Golly, baby, I'm a lucky cuss
Talk about the girl saying to the boy
You an' me is lucky to be us
Happy mouse, keep talking happy mouse
Talk about things you like to do
You got to have a dream, if you don't have a dream
How you come not have a dream come true?
If you don't talk happy, and you never have dream
Then you'll never have a dream come true!
It's good idea, you like? Ah ah ah!

       blimey there was a lot of brandy in those mince pies.   

       happy christmas, fishy...
po, Dec 24 2003

       Fishrat: "sprawled on the bed" is the nearest teenage equivalent to "reclining grafefully". I don't think teenagers could sit straight if you nailgunned them to the chair. Or chaise longue.
DrCurry, Dec 24 2003

       // I don't think teenagers could sit straight if you nailgunned them to the chair. Or chaise longue.// you make that sound like such a bad thing. //blimey there was a lot of brandy in those mince pies// there is brandy in mince pies???? I'll have to look into trying those now, thanks po.
babyhawk, Dec 24 2003

       Which, sprawling or nailgunning? Or chaise longue?
DrCurry, Dec 24 2003

       //...you make that sound like such a bad thing.// The older generation is just jealous that teenagers are so flexible and smoothly let their bodies follow the pull of gravity when they relax. [DrC] probably has to sit ramrod straight in front of the computer at prescription distance from the screen to match the multi-focal lenses.
kbecker, Dec 24 2003

       Actually, I'm sitting slumped in front of my PC right now, trying to summon the energy to get out of the office and go home.   

       Happy Christmas, guys and dames!
DrCurry, Dec 24 2003

       Sorry to bring the bad news, but I think this idea is baked. See link..
v0rtexx, Dec 25 2003


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