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hands that do dishes

do you want soft hands, ladies, gentlemen?
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martial artists toughen up their hands (and feet) by constantly hitting hard things which gradually increase the bone density in said appendages.

stands to reason therefore that if you want soft feminine skin, you should go about attacking stuff that is pliant and limp and tender like jelly & for facial beauty, smash yourself in the face with a cream cake...

po, Jan 03 2009

Fairy Liquid http://www.youtube....watch?v=-taEaSfPtbY
featuring the results of years of face washing by Po - she looks about 5! [xenzag, Jan 03 2009]


Spacecoyote, Jan 03 2009

       Sounds right to me.
Jinbish, Jan 03 2009

       "Now hands that do dishes can feel as soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid" - so you should also wash your face in the stuff?.... and men should start toughening up a troublesome flacid penis by repeatedly bashing it against rough concrete? It's all very dubious - making it a winner.
xenzag, Jan 03 2009

       ...must go squeeze the Charmin...must go squeeze the Chramin...
blissmiss, Jan 03 2009

       so homeopathy then. may i suggest the more intuitive "keep your hands immobile and wrapped in hot butter 24/7" treatment as more effective.
WcW, Jan 03 2009

       more information...   

       edit: there was an implied "...than required" to that, rather than it formed a request.
po, Jan 04 2009

       //if you want soft feminine skin, you should go about attacking stuff that is pliant and limp and tender like jelly // [-] cruelty to custards
sninctown, Jan 04 2009

       //Although I don't have troublesome flaccidity - quite the opposite// - untroublesome flacidity, Ian?
hippo, Jan 05 2009

       //you should go about attacking stuff that is pliant and limp and tender //

What, like middle managers you mean?
DrBob, Jan 05 2009


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