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Annex and cleanup site option
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This is a site specifically designed for the overflow of irrelevant, rambling, and negative comment and conflict that pollutes that other site “that shall not be named.” Posts are culled from that other site for use here, where the halfdebunking will not interfere with the creative juices flowing “over there.”

If your desire is to foment, prick, and pedantically correct the minutiae that may accompany real ideas, this is the site for you. This is where one can overlook any shred of creative thinking and quickly seize on a misplaced comma, an inexact date, or any low-hanging, concept-adjacent, easily contested trivia and avoid focusing on the core premise. The HD accepts off-topic comment and rambling objections to the previous commenters as well as the original imported post. Addressing the actual meaning and goal of an imported post is forbidden, as that would stray into meaningful criticism.

The speed of the debunking is also a factor; the higher on the thread the comment is, the greater the pride the debunker can claim, disirrespective of accuracy. (See what I did there? Meat on the bone!)

The object of the halfdebunkery is total avoidance of creative criticism for the development of the imported idea in favor of a long reach into an off-topic world of nit-picking and data that covers thinly-veiled animosity or ignorance. But the tone is quite collegial here at the halfdebunkery; there shall be no direct attacks on posters, only on ideas.

Above all, humor is forbidden. Posts which depend on satire, irony, or burlesque may be unduly taxing on the halfdebunkery contributors and are sure to be misinterpreted. No one here likes a smartass.

minoradjustments, Jun 16 2024

Burlesque https://www.wordnik.com/words/burlesque
You could have one on your desk. [minoradjustments, Jun 16 2024]

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       LOL! Heeeeyyy, are you making a statement here? [+++]
doctorremulac3, Jun 16 2024

       //Posts which depend on .. burlesque//   

       [Interest peaked]   

       [Momentarily considers a spelling change to peeked]   


       In text?   


       ASCII art?   

       [Is only aware of one form of burlesque, apparently]
Skewed, Jun 16 2024

       //If your desire is to foment, prick, and pedantically correct the minutiae that may accompany real ideas, this is the site for you. This is where one can overlook any shred of creative thinking and quickly seize on a misplaced comma, an inexact date, or any low-hanging, concept-adjacent, easily contested trivia and avoid focusing on the core premise.//   

       That's why I'm here.
pocmloc, Jun 16 2024

       Yes I know [minor] I did add that bit at the bottom after all, but the last part of the third definition of it as a noun on that list always appears in my head flashing away in neon with a claxon going off when I hear the word, no idea why, makes it hard to notice the other parts of the definition ;D
Skewed, Jun 16 2024

       {Skewed] So is it the Fan Dance or the high kicking that impedes your concentration?
minoradjustments, Jun 17 2024

       The humour and the nitpicking might not be separable; one of us once described this place thus: "Think of it as a spell-checker that also insults you".
pertinax, Jun 18 2024

       Of those two? I do believe the fan dance may exert some greater grasp upon my most frequently fickle attention than the other.   

       Apropos of nothing in particular that joke about the difference twix chicken and feather springs to mind ;)
Skewed, Jun 18 2024

       [pocmloc] Honesty is the best polity.
minoradjustments, Jun 18 2024


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