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Interactive Group Venn Diagram Issues Perspective Chart

An interactive graphic showing where members of a particular group stand on the issues.
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So all the views on various things in the world would be put up in a clear graph that members of any one group could fill out. Then a graphic would be created showing where there was agreement on those various things. Then you'd click on any number of groups to have a Venn diagram chart showing where how they compared to each other. Could even make it 3D so you rotate it around and zoom in on various issue interactions.

You could even come up with a "consensus rating".

I think this could have value in politics. What if for instance everybody on the left and right agreed on something and didn't even know it? Could this be a way to actually get something done in this contentious society?

What if for instance everybody agreed to cutting the 500 million dollar a year budget for the "Office Of Financial Asset Allocation Assessment And Budget Valuation Equity Holdings Appraisal" by say... 10%? upon finding out that they don't actually do anything?

Naa, just kidding. Government agencies don't care what the people think, especially those stupid populists representing the majority will of the people. And once a government agency is created it can't be shut down for any reason, so it probably wouldn't work for that.

But maybe you could use this for other things? I do like the idea of the people communicating and this might be a step towards facilitating that.

This is one of those "Is this already out there?" things because if it is I'd be curious to have a look at it. I know we're instructed about what we are supposed to debate and what we're not supposed to debate since division is an important control mechanism. To be clear, you'd be able to zoom in on any one group and click where they stand compared to any other group.

I don't even know where most of people stand on anything but the couple of controversies we're supposed to obsess over, like pronouns, DEI, misbehaving celebrities etc.

doctorremulac3, Jul 21 2024

Oops, reset it. That's on me. Days_20Since_20Hitl..._20Mentioned_20Here
[doctorremulac3, Jul 29 2024]



       Probaby not as excited about them as I should be.
doctorremulac3, Jul 27 2024

       I love Venn diagrams as much as the next man[1]. But in terms of practical utility they kind of top out at 4 sets.
3 categories is standard, 4 still looks decent, with five sets - either at least one of the is wierdly contorted or the intersections are tiny, and six is theoretically possible but in practice so hard to read you'd be better off with a different representation.

       Which is to say - you're gonna need to be able to pick the sets which matter.   

       [1] Provided the next man isn't Randall Munroe.
Loris, Jul 27 2024

       I actually tried this with a very liberal person I know. We both strongly agree that 4th generation nuclear power plants should be part of a forward looking electrical grid modernization program. I suggested a commercial promoting such featuring a famous media person from the left and the right both appearing on screen together, (which would get people's attention right off the bat) and they could both say they don't agree on much, but they do agree that we should incorporate nuclear power in our plans to keep the lights on while reducing pollution.   

       It was rejected by him because it featured a person that he hates and he tried to chide me for even mentioning his name. (the left is very easy to trigger) It kind of illustrated the sociogenic mitosis we have affecting our society. Nothing is as important as destroying "those guys". I could even suggest "While we're filling the gulags with non-compliants, can we at least keep the lights on?"   

       I'm afraid the answer more often than not is no. Anything that detracts from the great battle between those who are perfect in every way and those who are evil in every way will just get smacked down.   

       Still think this might be a way to get stuff done. At least putting off the current war between pure virtue and pure evil for a minute while we get the potholes in our roads filled.
doctorremulac3, Jul 29 2024

       Which would probably cause someone to point out: "That's just what Hitler would say!" (Reset the "Days Since Hitler Was Mentioned Here" clock to 0. That's on me.)
doctorremulac3, Jul 29 2024

       If it's interactive you could have it rotate and focus on just showing 3 or 4 topics at a time.   

       And if you brought out Trump and Alec Baldwin for nuclear power I'd be cool with that.
RayfordSteele, Jul 30 2024


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