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"honey server" style rotisserie for other things

with retractable grooves!
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You know how honey will stay on a spoon if you spin it at just the right speed? I want to do this with bread, eggs and everything else known to man as it is baking.

Based on the viscosity of the dough the bread rotisserie would rotate at the proper speed to keep the dough on the stick. This would make a loaf with a hole in the middle, but "top crust" on all sides!

It also might cause some other cool effects in the consistency of the bread-- for example, if the lathe were to spin slightly faster at the proper point in the cooking process the bread could get pulled outward, just enough to be super fluffy, but not enough to fly off the stick.

Then later you could use the same method with other viscous, but hardening-upon-heating, foods, such as eggs, (you'd need to mix them with something to get the right consistency, I imagine.)

The cooker is made of non-stick surface stuff and has grooves just like a honey server. These retract at serving time so your food item will side right off.

Garnish and then stuff the hole with jelly or bacon!

futurebird, Mar 02 2008

Wikipedia: Baumkuchen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baumkuchen
Baked on a spit. [jutta, Mar 03 2008]

Study of viscosity and drips http://math.arizona...docs/fluid_drip.pdf
Looks at honey, latex, and cornstarch/water. [neutrinos_shadow, Mar 03 2008]


       //Garish and then stuff the hole with jelly or bacon!// Errr.....
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 02 2008

       ... or cream cheese then maybe?
futurebird, Mar 02 2008

       For bread with a hole in it, wouldn't it be easier just to use a bagel?   

       sp: slide; Garnish
Canuck, Mar 02 2008

       //for example, if the lathe were to spin slightly faster at the proper point in the cooking process the bread could get pulled outward, just enough to be super fluffy, but not enough to fly off the stick.// This will not fail to fail.   

       Centrifugal force is proportional to the square of the rotational speed, and to the radius (distance from axis of rotation).   

       Now, if your foodstuffs displayed Hookeian behaviour, you might get away with it, but this is not the case. Dough, when stretched beyond a small strain, displays decidedly non-Hookeian elasticity. In fact, to a first approximation, it exhibits plastic deformation. This, of course, means that dough will continue to extend indefinitely under a constant load.   

       So, suppose that we adjust our rotational speed to ensure that the dough just starts to be flung outward, being lifted away from the axis of rotation by the centrifugal force. Fine and dandy, but there is nothing to stop the dough from just continuing to stretch outward. And it gets worse: as it stretches, it gets further from the axis of rotation, and hence the force acting on it becomes greater.   

       Thus, the dough - instead of remaining poised in a state of centrifgal puffiness, will instead explode outwards and besplatter the apparatus.   

       [Futurebird], did you actually spend any time thinking about this?
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 02 2008

       Retractable grooves? Um, how?
baconbrain, Mar 02 2008

       They would slide in to the main shaft.
futurebird, Mar 03 2008

       The stuff stays on the spoon - you spin it fast enough not to succomb to gravity, but slow enough not to succomb to centrifugal force? Is there such a speed for any given viscous thing? I think maybe it only works with honey. And honey doesn't really bake into anything as "garish" as what you are looking for...
globaltourniquet, Mar 03 2008

       It works for something like pancake mix, I mean... I've done it.
futurebird, Mar 03 2008

       [Global] yes, there is a speed (actually a range of speeds) at which this will work for any viscous substance. All you have to do is to rotate it fast enough that, by the time it's about to gloop off the bottom of the shaft, the bottom has become the top.   

       When painting, if you need to load the brush very heavily, you do the same thing - rotate the brush whilst bringing it from paint-tin to wall.
MaxwellBuchanan, Mar 03 2008


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