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War Reconcilliation Statue

Example Shown Is WW2, but could be applied to any conflict where the former foes are now allies.
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Inspired by minoradjustments Victory Debris idea (second link) this would be a statue shown in the first link.

I tried to get it to have them both bowing their heads with one arm on the other's shoulder and the opposite hands placed on the memorial plaque memorializing those lost on both sides of that long past conflict.

Could be cast out of old war material debris, tanks, aircraft etc as has suggested or just bronze.

A statement of reconcilliation and peace.

doctorremulac3, Oct 09 2024

Reconcilliation https://www.dropbox...96&st=dwx41zmc&dl=0
WW2 soldiers in this example. [doctorremulac3, Oct 09 2024, last modified Oct 10 2024]

Inspired by this. Victory_20Debris
[doctorremulac3, Oct 09 2024]

https://en.wikipedi...oncellos_sculpture) [pocmloc, Oct 10 2024]


       Great idea. When the previously opposed parties outgrow their monumental reconciliation we can cut them apart and put rifles back in their hands.
minoradjustments, Oct 10 2024

       Well, if that happened these wouldn't have done their jobs so might as well.
doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

       Re: link. Whoa, sweet!   

       I do think there should be more stuff that celebrates good stuff. I has proposed a statue of Boris Yeltzin for preventing WW3 when a missile launched from Norway or something was thought to be a nuclear attack from the US and he held off launching the retaliatory strike.   

       Almost lost my dad and my son to war so I think about this stuff sometimes. Obviously if my dad didn't make it that would have hit me and my boy pretty hard too.   

       Anyway, peace is a good thing that should be celebrated.
doctorremulac3, Oct 10 2024

       Just as long as its not an image of the chief culprit leaders that started the conflict.
RayfordSteele, Oct 10 2024


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