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Vegetarian Seafood

Like seafood, only without the fish
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Vegetarians have all kinds of meat alternates these days, from veggie bacon to meat-free buffalo wings. Why not a seafood alternate? A tender soybean-and-wheat based delicacy fashioned to look like shrimp, lobster, or crab, that can be used in the same dishes as the real thing, and family and/or guests would not know the diff.
Sparki, Aug 17 2001

Vegetarian fish http://www.vegweb.c...od/subs/fish1.shtml
(Just eat a damn shrimp, already.) [angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Kosher version http://www.jewish-f...ecipes/vegefish.htm
[angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Vegetarian Fried Fish http://www.bawarchi...on/contrib1659.html
[angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Also available for cats http://www.veggieli...egetarian_pets.html
[angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Get it delivered http://www.waiterso...pl?RestId=MP%3AR011
No. 133, $8.50 [angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

'bake at 375 degrees' http://freeweb.pdq....ipes/breadedtof.htm
[angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]

Already baked. http://xinvego.hypermart.net/prod04.htm
[angel, Aug 17 2001, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       Without wishing to start a fight with Waugsqueke, i have no qualms with eating `things that look like meat`. I know other vegetarians who dont like even the texture of meat substitutes such as quorn and firm tofu, but its cool with me. Not that i go out of my way to buy `lamb chop flavoured/shaped` quorn, i hasten to add!   

       (You`d be suprised how many "vegetarians" eat fish/chicken though. Whats that about?)
Pallex, Aug 17 2001

       On the fake-meat thing, waugsqueke, I like some vegi-burgers not because they taste like meat (they don't) but because they're good-tasting food. The ones I'm thinking of are grain-and-cheese-and-egg patties with some sort of luscious spices, not really similar to meat at all.
Dog Ed, Aug 17 2001

       Vegetarian seafood? That would be seaweed.
gravelpit, Aug 17 2001

       haha, this idea has three fishbones.
sdm, Aug 18 2001

       I can't help having another, absolutely final, go at this. Sorry in advance.   

       Waugsqueke, you might at least understand that people are vegetarians -- and indeed have all kinds of voluntarily restricted diets -- not because they think cows are cute (and should therefore be horrified, if they were any sort of decent person, at the sight of anything which looks like part of a cow carcass) but for reasons, right or wrong, of ethics, health, religion, taste, squeamishness, environmental conscience, and god knows what else. No one who calls themself a "vegetarian" has any duty to conform to your ideas about what that means. If you're really unable to understand or accept any of these reasons, you might at least make an effort to tolerate a choice you don't "get".   

       Also, I have had "vegetarian seafood" before and there are very good reasons why Sparki hadn't heard of it.
Monkfish, Aug 18 2001

       Monkfish: Here here. (I'm suprised that waugsqueke, presumably a meat eater, feels the need to 'espouse at length' about something which he apparantly doesnt understand. And why bother anyway? Eat meat if you want to, don't worry about what others are eating. If any non meat-eaters do attempt to educate you as to why they dont eat meat, its probably because they want to protect either you, or the animals, from the harm a diet high in meat can cause.)
Hans, Aug 29 2001

       Sounds like a Jehova's witness. 'I can tell you about MY religion, but you can't tell me about YOURS'.
StarChaser, Aug 31 2001

       No fake meat of any form, fish, chicken, beef, etc. Vegetarians aren't going to eat it (unless they're those ones that like meat flavor and vow not to eat it for humanitarian reasons or something) and carnivores will hate it too. My favorite form of vegetarian food is caviar.
dj_photon, Sep 23 2001

       No fake meat of any form, fish, chicken, beef, etc. Vegetarians aren't going to eat it (unless they're those ones that like meat flavor and vow not to eat it for humanitarian reasons or something) and carnivores will hate it too. My favorite form of vegetarian seafood is caviar.
dj_photon, Sep 23 2001

       Dj_photon: You do know that caviar is fish eggs, right?
StarChaser, Sep 24 2001

       I know PLENTY of vegetarians, most of whom used to eat meat and have since decided that, to them, it's wrong. They did, however, like the taste of meat and often get imitation chicken or beef, NOT because of what it symbolizes but because they like the taste. After all, people chew strawberry flavored gum even though it contains no strawberries.
AfroAssault, Sep 24 2001

       "It's Country Time lemonade! It's never been near a lemon!"
StarChaser, Sep 29 2001

       as a lifelong vegetarian, i would like to put in my two cents and say that no way am i eating fake meat. if i want meat, i'll eat it. none of that 'not bacon' crap.
lucien, Sep 30 2001

       > Dj_photon: You do know that caviar is fish eggs, > right?   

       yes fish eggs are good, and vegetarian (not vegan but neither am i) and nutritious. so are chicken eggs. i tried 1,000 year old duck eggs i found at the chinese grocery store but they smelled like ammonia and tasted like they smelled, i don't know if that's normal. i was disappointed and couldn't eat them. my next half-baked idea is greater availability of caviar, maybe in rainbow colors, and more caviar recipes invented. eggs of other animals should be more widely available. why can't we buy snake or alligator eggs at the grocery store?
dj_photon, Oct 18 2001

       Ok. I knew someone who swore that caviar was synthetic and had never been near an animal, despite having a picture of a fish and the word 'sturgeon' on it...
StarChaser, Oct 19 2001

       dj_photon: are you aware that fish eggs are non-vegetarian (as well as being obviously non-vegan) because they are obtained by slicing open the gut of a live fish? (unlike the eggs of other animals, which are of course collected after the eggs are laid).
doonyakka, May 28 2002

       You can Never Fool my Cat. I can give her a Grape and many types of vegtables. But when it comes to Vegetarian, she turns her nose up and tries to bury it.
Bixbyte, May 28 2002

       My husband and I have been vegetarians for over 8 years now, and we still eat 'fake meat'. I guess it all depends on WHY you gave up meat - for us it was health reasons. (not to mention I grew up on a farm and to this day can't eat eggs because of it...)   

       I know VEAT makes an alright fake salmon soy steak, wrapped in seaweed for that ..sea.. like taste? However, It only reminds someone of fish if they haven't eatten fish in years and years. Otherwise its rather funky.
coleenie, Mar 29 2003


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