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Vegetable peeler exchange program

Don't throw away that dull peeler; give it to a lefty!
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(+29, -2)
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Vegetable peeler blades have two edges on them, but only one is ever used. However, which edge depends upon which hand is used. Right-handed people use one edge, and lefties use the other.

So there should be an exchange program where a dull righty peeler could be exchanged for a dull lefty one. Each person ends up with a peeler with a brand new blade.

Perhaps a simpler solution would be a removable blade that can be rotated, sharpened or replaced. But that's not nearly as fun.

davidc, Sep 20 2008

Swivel Peelers http://images.googl...%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
works equally well both ways [xenzag, Sep 20 2008]

For [hippo] http://www.butternutsquash.net/
[normzone, Sep 22 2008]

Belle du jour http://en.wikipedia...le_de_Jour_(writer)
Wikipedia entry. [neelandan, Sep 24 2008]


       Peeling towards oneself--while not as dangerous as with a knife--is nonetheless not a technique that should be encouraged.   

       Agreed that not peeling should be the first option. But peelers do exist and people do use them. Given this reality, let's make the best of it. Besides, who really wants to eat the skin of a kiwi fruit?
davidc, Sep 20 2008

       If both the fruit and the peeler are achiral, I don't understand how the chiral user can induce achiral wear on the peeler. I may need a graphic.
MaxwellBuchanan, Sep 20 2008

       I think I am a naturally self-orientated peeler.
po, Sep 20 2008

       Since left-handed individuals are only about 8% of the population of your species, this will surely represent an unfair "subsidy"; each left-handed human will receive 11 useable peelers for each one they give away. Furthermore, since they have no need to buy new peelers, the ones they themselves give away will be worn on BOTH sides and thus be completely useless, other than for stabbing politicians in the eye (a valuable activity which is regerettably not as popular as it should be).   

       In effect, this is rewarding the sin of left-handedness and non-conformity ........
8th of 7, Sep 20 2008

       Exchanging your exotic dancer just because she's brain dead seems so ... wrong.   

       I'm right-handed but I always peel potatoes towards myself. I find it rather difficult to peel them away from myself. I'd be quite happy to swap with a left-hander or an away-peeler, which should help the population imbalance problem.   

       But then I tend to leave the skin on most of the time, so I think my current peeler will probably last me a lifetime.
Srimech, Sep 20 2008

       all these hbers from '06 just reappearing - so weird!   

       not that it's a bad thing - just saying
po, Sep 20 2008

       What happens to all the swivel-bladed peelers? see link
xenzag, Sep 20 2008

       [rcarty], it doesn't seem to contain enough cobalamine, as i sustained significant nervous system damage as a result of going vegan about twenty years back and i wasn't peeling my veg at the time. It is better not to peel though. Why bother?
nineteenthly, Sep 20 2008

       + I like it. It's a half-appealing idea!
xandram, Sep 21 2008

       [xandram], hah!
4whom, Sep 21 2008

       It always amazes me the variability in effort required to make people happy here - one person toils for ages, concocting an Idea which reworks the models of time and gravity as we know it, studies tomes of atomic theory and finally laboriously types the proposal on this website, garnering just a few croissants and a couple of admiring nods. Then someone else suggests swapping vegetable peelers and the place goes nuts!
phundug, Sep 21 2008

       "the place GOES nuts"?   

       But yeah, I'm agreeing with you, [phun].   

       A friend of mine used to hate vegetable peelers, until somebody gave him a sharp one. So there may be a real need here.
baconbrain, Sep 21 2008

       I just realised that I don't use my vegetable peeler except for fruit and vegetables with a "q" in - quinces and squashes.
hippo, Sep 22 2008

       I was thinking of Butternut Squash, with the really tough orange skin - If you want to roast it, you need to peel it and then chop it up into chunks.
hippo, Sep 22 2008

       This idea is brilliant, simple and elegant.
What the merry fuck is it doing here?
coprocephalous, Sep 22 2008

       Merrily fucking with shithead?
neelandan, Sep 22 2008

       I have several peelers and use them all the time. My wife lifes on potatoes. To clean it I take the blade out as it is held by a pin at each end and pops easily into the rubber handle. I'm sure I don't get it back in the same way each time. So sorry, this is a massively complicated solution to a problem that doesn't exist, so (-).
MisterQED, Sep 22 2008

       This is a massively complicated solution to a problem that doesn't exist, so [+]
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Sep 22 2008

       I see a lefty scheme to benefit from their minority status and reap a wealth of vegeteble peelers. Who knows what will be next?? -!   

       actually +. I feel sorry for those leftys.
bungston, Sep 22 2008

       // I feel sorry for those leftys //   


       So, you admit symapthy for these Sinister individuals ?   

       Please follow us to Room 101. The Witchfinder-General will be along shortly.........   

8th of 7, Sep 22 2008

       I am a leftie, praise you [davidc]! So, here's my antiquated fixed-blade vegetable peeler for an exchange. Well, just polish them by peeling on citrus fruits from time to time... I mean, it would often stays sharp in that way though!...   

       BTW, //I think I am a naturally self-orientated peeler.// too! What the hell is //the sin of left-handedness and non-conformity//, [7th of 8]?
rotary, Sep 23 2008

       "being different from the common herd", a mortal sin which your species seems to punish with unjustified enthusiasm.
8th of 7, Sep 23 2008

       //what's wrong with sin?//
Nothing - it's just that I wouldn't want to live there.
coprocephalous, Sep 23 2008

       ...and now you have to pay for that kind of thing. Apparently.
hippo, Sep 23 2008

       last I checked peelers were on the shelf two for a dollar....I'll just go buy a new one when this on, which I have now owned for about 18 years, wears out.
Blisterbob, Sep 23 2008

       I had to look it up. <link>
neelandan, Sep 24 2008

       Speaking of looking things up; I was just in a Wal*Mart, and found a rubber-handled lateral-blade peeler for $1.50. The blade was easy to pop out and to re-insert reversed left/right.   

       I suppose that in other countries it may be possible to buy non-Wal*Mart peelers, but here in the USA, we're pretty much stuck with them.
baconbrain, Sep 24 2008

       Only if you shop there. Lots of gourmet tools available at kitchen specialty stores.   

       Speaking of exchanges, can we do something about exercise equipment?   

       In the last twenty-five years I have bought, used, and given up four weight benches. At the behest of my sweetheart I just bought number five. Couldn't I just check them in like library a book and check one back out when I need one?   

       Please feel free to develop and post this idea if it amuses you.
normzone, Sep 24 2008

       why peelers anyway - what's wrong with a sharp knife?
po, Sep 24 2008

       Because, po, developing the correct knack for peeling safely whilst armed with a sharp knife is an art, meant to be acquired over months, nay years of food preparation. It is, alas, utterly unlike riding a bicycle and therefore does not reside innately all human beings.   

       Peelers are a civilized compromise, a developmental stage, if you will, in the discovery and cultivation of culinary artistry. Any fool can whack the skin off a lowly kiwi, along with great hunks of its sweet pulp, but a skilled artiste can quickly and easily remove the fibrous husk from a delicate melonette to reveal the tender moist flesh within.
Canuck, Sep 24 2008

       you have to take the stabilisers off at some stage though or you never learn.
po, Sep 24 2008

       //you have to take the stabilisers off at some stage //
Though you'll probably take your fingers off too.
coprocephalous, Sep 24 2008

       // whack the skin off a lowly kiwi..... to reveal the tender moist flesh within. //   

       Errrrrrr ....... what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business, but please, not here .......
8th of 7, Sep 24 2008

       //"being different from the common herd", a mortal sin which your species seems to punish with unjustified enthusiasm//   

       Coming from a borg...
wagster, Sep 24 2008

       That's Borg with a capital "B",[wagster], IF you don't mind ....
8th of 7, Sep 24 2008

       thats *wagster*with a capital Wrrr.
po, Sep 24 2008

       Great idea [+];   

       But there are very few lefties compared to righties. So it can not be an even exchange.
VJW, Jun 22 2011

       [+] haw, how did I miss this?
FlyingToaster, Jun 22 2011

       Some people use a spoon to scoop the kiwi out of it's husk.   

       Just saying...
ye_river_xiv, Jun 23 2011

       Some people just sharpen their peelers as requried.   

       just sayin'...
Custardguts, Jul 03 2013


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