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Traction Stand

Hang from your head
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I recently pulled several muscles in my neck. It was a re-occurrence from a previous neck injury; One that pops up ever couple of years. It is extremely painful, and usually lays me out for a day (sometimes two).

When this occurs, I envision a contraption much like a contoured, padded U (of design that would cradle the head by supporting the occipital protuberance and both sides of the mandible) mounted at the top of an adjustable height stand. When one needs to relieve tension in one's neck, they simply place their head in the padded "U" and dangle.

I'm sure this would already have been baked if it weren't rife with liability issues, but as an extensive google search confirmed, it does not exist and I want one.

MikeD, Oct 13 2008

Neck Traction Over-door pulley system http://www.thebette...l_Traction_Set.html
[afinehowdoyoudo, Oct 19 2008]


       + for your pain...been there (am there at this moment - back from lifting and knee from who knows what - maybe running - I do 20-30 miles a week). Why not just build this thing and use it?
xenzag, Oct 13 2008

       (+) for the pain also, though might suggest an overhead pulley and some weights. We don't want you too loose your head.   

       Personnaly I need something that is a cross between a crucifix and the rack. I have problem shoulders. I've actually bought the parts to make it, but keep having a nightmare that I tear my own arms off and that keeps me from assembling it. Of course I also have dreams where I am captured by the Inquisition, put on a rack and when my back cracks, the torturer takes pity on me and lets me go.
MisterQED, Oct 13 2008

       I think you want some devices for "inversion therapy"; hanging upside-down by your feet sounds a lot safer than hanging right-side up by your neck.
FlyingToaster, Oct 14 2008

       A guillotine ?   

       How about something like a motorcycle helmet with an eyebolt in the top, with a cord going over a pulley on a lightweight frame which rests on the shoulders ? Then add a weight to the end of the cord - the upforce on the head is converted to downforce on the shoulders, gently stretching the cervical spine.
8th of 7, Oct 14 2008

       [Flying Toaster], the inversion stuff would seem to be the best course of action, especially since the pull on each vertebrae corresponds (more or less) to the weight it supports when right side up. I however, (and I'm probably not the only one), get extremely nauseous when upside-down.   

       [8th of 7], or a compromise between the two ideas and have a motorcycle helmet fixed to a ceiling joist?   

       Wait a minute ... isn't that a super-glue advertisement?
MikeD, Oct 14 2008

       I have a pretty big head, and even it doesn't weigh enough for inversion therapy to work for me. It would probably work for my lower back, but not my neck.   

       How about a pneumatic neck streacher? A neck collar whose top is shaped to grasp the bottom of the chin and the back of the head and a based that sits on the shoulders. The center inflates to stretch the neck evenly.
MisterQED, Oct 14 2008

       // I have a pretty big head //   

       So we've noticed, from your postings .....   

       // it doesn't weigh enough //   

       Have you tried lead injections ? They come in a convenient 12-gauge hypodermic.   

       // pneumatic neck streacher //   

       Do you like having your neck streached, then ? How do you do it ? Obviously, special tools are needed ....
8th of 7, Oct 14 2008

       Baked, but I cannot find a link or pic of it anywhere. I've seen old ads for a product like this meant to increase a persons height. I'll keep looking.   

       Actually, I just remembered that there was an epidose of 'The Andy Griffith Show' that had Dept. Fife using one of these.
Noexit, Oct 15 2008

       I've successfully treated an injured lower back by wearing in-line skates tied to the upper end of a wide board inclined at about 30 degrees and lying head downwards for an hour or so at a stretch with a book. I've also wondered about hanging by the head for neck or upper back treatment, and thought the inclined plane method might be safer and gentler than vertical hanging.
spidermother, Oct 15 2008

       <wolf whistle> Hey [MikeD] nice rack!
4whom, Oct 15 2008

       Very touching, 8th. We will try all of them, next time you have a touch of stiff neck.
neelandan, Oct 15 2008

       Yes, tension on my back is almost pleasurable, given the relief it provides while my back is hurting. I have a way of "cracking" a back that uses tension and it's by far ther most preferred amongst my friends that have back problems. I'll often just grab onto whatever overhead structure I can find and just dangle for awhile. I've often thought that a hang-from-the-head scenario would be much better. I could imagine being very comfortable sleeping with maybe 20-50kg tension applied to my back.   

       As to hanging upside down, I don't know if it's a circulation problem, or whatever, but I get a big problem with blood infusion in my face whenever I hang upside down (or allow my head below my feet) - I get pain and headaches, and it's generally unpleasant. So it's not really an option.
Custardguts, Oct 15 2008


       How about one of those overhead rails like the ones in slaughterhouses, with the sliding hooks ? One of those run round the room .... of course, you'd need points and turntables at some locations.....   

       Outdoors, how about a large helium balloon ?
8th of 7, Oct 16 2008

       I want one. And I want a rack, Medieval chiropractor style.
theleopard, Oct 16 2008

       For those of you who like 'cracking' your back, try this...

Sit up straight in a normal office chair and either (a) tuck your feet under the chair with your ankles crossed and push your feet sideways against each other as hard as you can, or (b) stretch your legs out in front, cross your ankles and push your feet sideways against each other as hard as you can. One of these sometimes 'cracks' the lower back most satisfyingly.
hippo, Oct 16 2008

       (mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HAA!!! <hand dryer starts up> - my plan worked!) - Actually I think you're doing it wrong - you shouldn't be pressing your thighs together at the same time.
hippo, Oct 16 2008

       <Looks up from stuffing money into large envelope addressed to [hippo], grins, sniggers, resumes money-stuffing activity>   

       He would never have believed us. Thanx .....
8th of 7, Oct 16 2008

       We are sure you do. Just be careful not to knock the jam-jar of formalin off the shelf .....
8th of 7, Oct 16 2008

       was thinking... a football helmet (or any helmet with a sturdy chinstrap; combat helmet wouldn't cut it, there's very little back of head support) and a large hook/eyelet set: screw the hook to the helmet and the eyelet to a ceiling beam/doorframe; might wanna check with a chiropractor as to a good place to put the hook, though.
FlyingToaster, Oct 18 2008

       My best back crack is similar, you need a sturdy chair with strong arm rests. Lock your elbows, lean forward and slide your feet under the chair locking you knees on the edge of the chair. Now lean back and your back should streatch and crack.
MisterQED, Oct 18 2008

       For cracking the upper back/lower neck, I like leaning back in a chair and pulling forward and up on the base of the skull, using my chin as a fulcrum against my chest. This can also be done from a sit-up position too.   

       A Halfbaker's chiropractic center would definitely be interesting, however some form of waiver would, I'm sure, be necessary.
MikeD, Oct 18 2008

       linky. Body weight is WAY TOO MUCH force to use for neck traction. Still, like the idea (+)
afinehowdoyoudo, Oct 19 2008


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