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Tall Boyfriend Neck-Saver

for short women with tall boyfriends
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I am 5'2" and my boyfriend is 6'5". I envision a periscope that I could use to see his face when I talk to him, instead of looking at his chest or straining my neck. Ideally it would be collapsible so I could carry it around in my pocket.
samx, Jun 22 2004

Prism Glasses http://www.westons....sm_Glasses_646.html
His and Hers. You wear yours upside down. [robinism, Oct 17 2004]

Tall Man Cam http://www.halfbake...ea/Tall_20Man_20Cam
Extension of the Tall Boyfriend Neck-Saver [spiritualized, Oct 17 2004]

Lange Beine http://www.langebeine.de/english/
"Ever since ancient times people have dreamed of lengthening limbs. And apart from the natural desire to have long, slim and attractive legs there are also medical indications which require limb lengthening e.g. as a result of an accident, a bone defect when one leg is shorter than the other or when women want to communicate more easily with tall boyfriends . Thanks to an innovative technique this dream has now become reality. [django, Oct 17 2004]


       Well since you're pint-sized and he's apparently a football player, you should just have him carry you around.
contracts, Jun 22 2004

       stand on a box!
po, Jun 22 2004

       Didya hear the about the guy with two wooden legs?
There was a fire and he burned to the ground.
dpsyplc, Jun 22 2004

       Have you considered stilts?
spacemoggy, Jun 22 2004

       An extension of this idea would be to dangle a webcam from a fishing rod that is strapped to your boyfriends head, and have it transmit a live picture of his face to a plasma screen sewn on to your boyfriends t-shirt. Now you won't have to strain your neck OR use fiddley periscopes. Not unlike the technology used by Teletubbies
spiritualized, Jun 22 2004

I sometimes wonder about people picking mates who seem so obviously mismatched. The answer, of course, is that a given pair of people are often somewhat compatible, in spite of many detailed differences. Still, there are also fairly common dreams of finding "the perfect match". How close a match is that? I suppose it depends on how picky one is.

       There is an old Greek legend about some guy who went around searching for the Perfect Woman. He searched all over, for a long time, and one day actually finds her! But she wouldn't have anything to do with him -- SHE was searching for the Perfect Man, heh heh.   

       Which brings me to the topic of "deserve". A smoker, for example, deserves another smoker for a mate. Every bad thing about one person means that person deserves the same bad thing in another. And every good thing means deserving the same good thing. But then we get to things which are neither bad nor good, but simply ARE. Hair color, for example. A blonde might be the best "match" for another blonde, but the word "deserve" probably does not apply. And for height, and other physical attributes, the same is true. (However, if you lost a hand in some stupid accident, you probably deserve an equally short-handed mate.)   

       Anyway, with respect to physical attributes, people do tend to be attracted to others with similar traits. (And some prefer the exotic -- that's OK; two who are mutually exotic and who prefer the exotic could make a good match!) In the end, there is no accounting for taste. Still, one should be somewhat careful in expressing ones tastes. You cannot have, for example, brown eyes, and say, "I deserve someone with blue eyes!". You may be lucky enough to get it, but don't think for a moment that you actually deserve it.
Vernon, Jun 22 2004

       6'5"?! Crikey!
harderthanjesus, Jun 22 2004

       You better get two of them (periscopes). Otherwise he is constantly going to be stealing yours so he doesn't have to strain his neck to look at your chest anymore...
luecke, Jun 22 2004

       [Spiritualized], that is pure bloody genius. I suppose you would also want a view of the back of their head, but the refresh rate on that could be much lower - once every six weeks, whenever they get a haircut.
spacemoggy, Jun 22 2004

       Don't speak with your mouth full..
ConsulFlaminicus, Jun 22 2004

       [calum] is 6'5" as well, you know. And 1'2" of that is his neck. His girlfriend is 2'6". Or thereabouts.
Sanna, Jun 22 2004

       Your boyfriend needs to wear a t-shirt with a 12-inch flexible flat screen on it which projects his head onto his chest. And a webcam visor around his forehead.
phundug, Jun 22 2004

       Waiting 4 years to post your first idea shows admirable restraint.
hippo, Jun 22 2004

       Lest Sanna's comments lead anybody think I am involved with a tiny Cambodian child, I would like the record to show that my other half is 25 years old and 5'1"and a half.
calum, Jun 22 2004

       Oh, I thought you had one of those ones you get through the mail. Mine looked nothing like the catalogue pictures when it arrived.
harderthanjesus, Jun 23 2004

       You could have his face printed on his t-shirts...
James Newton, Jun 23 2004

       Since you want something compact, how about some prism glasses? (see link)   

       Your periscope would also be handy for spying on him around corners. If you catch him at anything, it's his neck.   

       If things work out with this guy, you can advance to the heavy-duty Tall Husband Neck-Saver.
robinism, Jun 23 2004

       I hate to say it, but you could just take a few steps back!   

       I can empathise though, my boyfriend isn't short. Think how it must have been for my grandmother though.. I doubt she's even 5 feet tall and my grandfather was 6'10.
madradish, Jun 24 2004

       Well, I suppose the face on the tshirt idea is the best I've seen in here, except that it could lead to some odd looks when you're kissing (his shirt) in public.   

       I only date short men... apparently. But I dare not put my face on my shirt. Really there's no need.
k_sra, Jun 24 2004

       [k_sra], with your face on your shirt men would finally be looking at your eyes.
GenYus, Jun 24 2004

       You could get on the rack!   

       Or just make him carry weights on his head until he is the right size.   

       possibly ask if he will kneel?
not-arf, Jun 24 2004

       I observed a very cute couple--a short girl with a freakin' tall guy. The bastard (I kinda liked her). She stood on furniture to kiss him (the bastard). It would certainly be less hassle than a periscope...I mean, most guys' facial appendenges can not get down a periscope. Besides, all you'd see is his forehead as he gazes at your chest.
Eugene, Jun 25 2004

       [hippo] - Heh. Yeah...I got an account years ago so I could annotate something or other, and then promptly forgot this site existed. Until the other day, when I had this idea, and thought, "There should be a site to post goofy...hey! Wait a minute!"
samx, Jun 25 2004

       // There should be a site to post goofy - [samx] // I think the site you're looking for is the Disney message board ;)
spiritualized, Jun 28 2004

       Vernon, I think that many people find it less desirable to be in a relationship with somebody that has similar traits as themselves.   

       I also find that I go for all sorts of different looks and personalities; sometimes I prefer blue eyes, sometimes brown eyes, or sometimes I find myself attracted to a quiet woman, and then other times I find I'm drawn to quite an outspoken woman.   

       I've never quite been able to pin point any sort of definite pattern when it comes to the women that I'm attracted to. A good sense of humour is usually the quality I'm most drawn to, as I think a lot of people are.
spiritualized, Jun 28 2004

       [Steve DeGoof]: That is a very good idea. And if you standardize the mirror height, then everyone could see eye to eye.
GenYus, Jun 28 2004

       [-] I can't imagine looking more like an idiot in a public place than to be perceived as searching for Russian land-subs.
Pocketassreturn, Jun 28 2004

       Limb lengthening surgery potentially gives you 3 to 4 extra inches. This is elegant, but expensive.   

       I go with [po]: always carry a foldable box with you.
django, Jun 28 2004

       [django]: If you are going to "always carry" something it should be a towel...   

       ...perhaps if samx fold's it over several times and then stands on it.   

       On the face-on-t-shirt thing: Rather than paint it on, how about makeing a "puppet face" in the cloth that is a caricature of your own? Think "Dark Crystal" or the two old guy Muppets. Tiny servos can actuate the eyes, mouth and eyebrows to match your own facial expression.
James Newton, Jun 29 2004

       tall girls with short guys definately looks sillier than tall guys with short girls.   

       in which case, short girls just shouldn't go out with tall guys in the first place, cos then there are none left for the tall girls. it's just selfish.   

       short with short, tall with tall. and then after a few centuries of breeding, we could have war.   

       obviously the tall army would have the physical advantage, but the short army would have lots of pent up agression as a result of generations of inferiority complexes, and something to prove, so could be the more vicious proposition....
daaisy, Oct 15 2005

       //I would like the record to show that my other half is 25 years old and 5'1"and a half// I have only seen one photo of her and can testify that she is about two years old and about 1'6". Or was when the photo was taken.
wagster, Oct 15 2005

       Yellow Pages?
hidden truths, Oct 15 2005


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