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Toil Let's

Yeah it's a crappy title. Suggestions welcome.
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Everything in our small town has its own septic system/s. Chlorine is bad for the bio-culture within septic tanks but...

...small amounts of chlorine introduced in just the right locations and left long enough to cancel any bio-matter with enough time to dissipate before entering the septic tank is win-win.

I propose a small reservoir of chlorine, (or vinegar if you're worried), which clamps around the overflow drain of any and all conventional toilets and dispenses just the right amount of chlorine bi-weekly into it at a time when the bathroom is least likely to be used for the longest of times.

See, there is this little trough just under the inner lip of your toilet where the in-flowing water enters and it never really drys up if the toilet is often used. It is an untouchable bacteria colony.
The introduction of a very small amount of chlorine to this unrecognized trough staves off any bacterial growth for several weeks so that those black streaks you scrub so hard to remove just never start and your septic systems work just fine.

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       Do you mean actual chlorine, Cl2, or "chlorine bleach" - Sodium hypochlorite NaOCl?
Loris, Feb 25 2024

       Sorry for the ambiguity. Yes chlorine bleach.
Those flush-pucks like 2000 flushes don't seem to remove the black streaks because the water never goes down the overflow drain unless your float valve gets stuck, so there are areas under the lip where bacteria remains.

       Adapting from poe.com: bio blaster, funk flusher, toilet tamer
Voice, Feb 25 2024

       Well crap. Good to know.   

       I didn't think I needed to search this one. At least it must be a good product idea.
When my sentence, I mean project, is completed I will need to maintain like 50 plus toilets and so far I've been doing this bleach thing manually.

       Ugh geez, people buy those things?   

       Yes, I pour a small amount of bleach into the overflow drains of toilets every couple of weeks if they aren't getting cleaned almost daily. We have some long term renters and the campground bathrooms get so much use in the summer that bad stuff grows pretty quickly.
That first product I might buy a few of.
Please don't tell our cleaning staff about the second product.

       Pretty please.   

       I was, and still am to some extent, but I have priorities to tend to as we expand and have delegated chores which were previously mine to others as required.   

       'They' don't pour bleach down the toilet overflow drains.
I do.

       I 'can' rebuild this place and bring it back to life... but I can't man it all at the same time.
Cloning technology is not that advanced here yet.

       ...and by maintaining I mean continuing to flush, not cleaning.   

       Well whatever I said was certainly a conversation killer wasn't it?   


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