Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Or: The Kinko's Game
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About two year ago, my three younger siblings (they're 13, 9, and 7 now) and I were waiting on my mother to finish up some copies at Kinko's. A great big place, it was. So of course we started bugging each other, stepping on each other's feet and whatnot. It turned out to be fun, and I formalized it as a game.

If the other person was prone to running away, the two combatants would interlace fingers; otherwise, hands went behind the back. Every time you stepped on the other person's toe or foot, you recieved a point. If the other person fell down in the course of trying to stomp your toe, you recieved two points. And vice versa. Two skilled players (like my 9-year-old brother and myself) playing a game of ToeStomp look much like a pair of Riverdancers having a tiff.

Great fun, and no equipment required! Sneakers reccomended, as sandals are foolhardy, slippers and clogs fly off like nobody's business, and a hobnailed boot to the instep often offends.

Eugene, Jun 02 2004

Shin Kicking. A related idea from the Cotswold Olympics http://www.truebrits.tv/shin_kicking.html
[gnomethang, Oct 04 2004, last modified Oct 05 2004]


       [Eugene] I can't believe your misfortune. What looks like a great game has already been baked, by you, roughly a year ago.
neilp, Jun 02 2004

       The horror! You are technically--no, without a doubt--correct. Even so, it's such a great game that I would like to offer it to the masses that it may be widely baked.
Eugene, Jun 02 2004

       My brother and I used to do this, but as you said, just for fun. Here's a plus for foramlizing things people do to annoy each other.
5th Earth, Jun 02 2004

       Funny thing, my little brother (the 7-year-old) *begs* me to play the game with him.
Eugene, Jun 02 2004

       That would complicate the game uneccessarily. But a good player always has an excellent grasp of the language. So to speak.
Eugene, Jun 03 2004

       So where's the other idea? (Well, never mind. I don’t think you should be able to halfbake yourself. Especially when the idea produces such a fine spectacle.)
ldischler, Jun 03 2004

       Yes. But different.
Eugene, Jun 03 2004

       I was really hoping this would be a scaled down version of the musical show "Stomp!".
luecke, Jun 04 2004

       [BrauBeaton]: That'd be called MaledicToe.
bristolz, Jun 04 2004

       I played a toe-stomping game a while back with some Australians. It had quite formal rules, and they told me it was widely played in Oz. It's a multi-player game (at least 3 people). You all stand in a circle, and then each person in turn can move *just 1 foot*. You can also move a foot in response to a stomp-attempt by another player, but otherwise you must keep your feet still. Moving a foot out of turn was a foul. The game combined the thrilling danger of imminent toe-breakage with the tie-yourself-in-knots hilarity of Twister.
spacemoggy, Jun 05 2004

       Ow. I couldn't just stand there and take it.
Eugene, Jun 08 2004

       I like the Australian spin on this, and also the West-side-story wrist-tied together aspect. But it would be better with a large group tied side to side in a circle, and the object would be to kick other players in the groin. You neighbors would be your natural allies (as it would be difficult (though not impossible!) to kick them in the groin). The West side story fight music should play. Not sure how to know when the game ends.   

       If it turned out too harsh players could wear those huge clown shoes with padded toes like boxing gloves. Guaranteed million views on Youtube.
bungston, Mar 26 2016

       Did I mention that they could do this while sky diving? Well, they could!
bungston, Mar 26 2016


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