As you enter this restaurant, everything seems quite normal, until you look over towards the kitchen area. Above the frying area, sits a man in an elasticised harness dangling from the ceiling, who waves to the customers now and again when he is not busy.
On closer inspection, you may notice when
an order for something fried is made - like a pancake for example, the man will take the appropriate mixture from specially designed shelving units and pour it down onto the hot plate.
Attached to special shoes that he wears are 'Toe Spatulas' that he may flip and tend to the food cooking below him - at just the right height that his feet dangle just above the hot plate.
The design of the Toe Spatula is quite simple, and may be attached to any kitchen slipper, boot, stilletto etc. A flat metal flipper extends from the toe region and is fastened in place via a clipping mechanism.
This will save floor space in the cooking area, so that other chefs may rush about doing their own specific jobs.
If we look further into the kitchen, we may then notice other chefs and cooks, each on their own harnesses, bobbing and swaying, preparing meals all with special attachments on their foot areas. 'Stomp Choppers', 'Electric Foot Mixers' and 'Toe Pastry Sculpting' are all commonplace in this restaurant.
As you are seated at your table, a waiter swings down from above and pours you a glass of wine with his feet as he lists the specials of the day.