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The 8th Of 7 Picard Podcast

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oh sure, Discovery, Shmiscovery, and the occasional Short Trek.

But now that Jean Luc Picard is coming back to our TV sets in a major way, a running episode by episode commentary from a numerically challenged Borg (hesitating to use the term Queen here) is just the ticket.

Expecting the first episode morning of Jan 24th.

theircompetitor, Jan 20 2020


       // hesitating to use the term Queen here //   

       "Her Majesty's Government can neither confirm nor deny ..."
8th of 7, Jan 20 2020

       Aren't those Borg just a nest of a type of brainless metal cockroaches all connected to each other with hose pipes filled with cat piss? (imagines Star Trek episode where a giant space boot arrives and stamps all over them until they are reduced to a sticky paste)
xenzag, Jan 21 2020

       No, you're confusing us with Liberals. We are a technologically superior Collective hegemonizing swarm, intent on dominating the Galaxy. Liberals are a bunch of sad losers who sip lukewarm vegan apple juice (from apples that have fallen from the tree, rather than being picked, which is cruel and causes the tree pain), hence the resemblance to cat piss (in both colour and flavour) and whine on endlessly about climate change and how uncomfortable their home-made kaftans woven from dried nettles are.   

       If there is any boot-stamping to be done, it won't be by their mincing little sandal-clad feet. Indeed, we have developed the specialized footwear known as "beetle-crushers" into a much more devastating form eponymous y labelled "kitten-squashers".
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       I'm trying to imagine a non-vegan type of apple juice.
Voice, Jan 21 2020

       You get it by crushing a Granny Smith.   

       Grandpa Smith was remarkably relaxed about the whole process; it seems she used to nag him, and he'd been wanting to get rid of her for years, but she was quite a good cook so he put up with her.
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       //a running episode by episode commentary from a numerically challenged Borg (hesitating to use the term Queen here) is just the ticket// - please don't encourage him, really.
hippo, Jan 21 2020

       It's hard to resit. He rises and swallows the bait every time so enthusiastically. Meanwhile I could see the Borg as being versatile characters in a good comedy series.
xenzag, Jan 21 2020

       True - they could do fart-lighting gags, to demonstrate ass immolation.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2020

       //It's hard to resit//   

       In fact, resitance is futile.
theircompetitor, Jan 21 2020

       // versatile characters in a good comedy series //   

       Yes, called "Where did that asteroid come from ?"   

       We call it comedy - you lot call it "The news". Just the one series, ending in an abrupt impact - and more of a black comedy with a hilarious yet tragic ending.
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       This is easier than the days when I went fishing for mackerel, who will chase around after anything, even bits of silver paper. Are the Borg a primitive type of fish, if they aren't of the cockroach family?
xenzag, Jan 21 2020

       // the days when I went fishing for mackerel //   

       Ooooh, there go your vegan credentials ... you get energy from carbon-basef fuel sources too, don't you ?
8th of 7, Jan 21 2020

       //the days when I went fishing for mackerel// That's past tense, which means it happened many years ago when I was a child. (These are the small people who run away from you in blind terror)
xenzag, Jan 21 2020

       //now that Jean Luc Picard is coming back to our TV sets in a major way// This news may have escaped us in the Sceptred Isle.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2020

       perhaps because you are preoccupied by the Beauty and the Beast leaving the castle to the wicked witch and running away to neverland where they never have to grow up?
theircompetitor, Jan 21 2020

       Oh, you scamp you. That's a reference to Megan stealing one of our princes, isn't it? You'd think the daughter of the German chancellor would know better.
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 21 2020

       wait, what? Nah, that doesn't happen, when will these Hollywood people stop coming up with these silly plots
theircompetitor, Jan 21 2020

       <Picard addressing Ensign Wesley bloody Crusher>   


       <Special Hard Stare/>   

       "Stupid boy ..."   

8th of 7, Jan 27 2020

"Don't tell them, Crusher."
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 27 2020

       "Crusher !"   

       <Ostentatiously inscribes 'Crusher' on The List/>   

       What about "Star Trek: The Great Escape" ... ?   

       <Geordi LaForge>   

       "Take me with you ... I can see, I can see perfectly..."   

       <Geordi LaForge/>
8th of 7, Jan 27 2020


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