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Stupid Huanca

How to pronounce people's names
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Every now and then you need to speak to someone whose name you've got but you're struggling to pronounce. Most of the time you can 'phone up their office reception, call their voicemail or ask a colleague but sometimes you just need to know.

I propose a simple website where thoughtful types upload audio files of their names pronounced so that all and sundry can get it right.

You'd probably want to say which country you're from too, as a Dylan here's not the same as a Dylan from somewhere else.

neilp, Oct 05 2007

Pronunciation website http://inogolo.com/...search=Search+Names
This kinda thing? [squeak, Oct 05 2007]

Proof http://www.chkchkchk.net/
See? I wasn't making it up. [theleopard, Oct 06 2007]

Gilbert Alumni http://www.gilbertalum.com/
Would this be useful on an Alumni website? [mickey, Jan 08 2008]


       Sounds practical, though I would still think there are some deviations in pronunciation, it would help.+
xandram, Oct 05 2007

       IBM do this on their intranet, but an internet site for general access would help
jonthegeologist, Oct 05 2007

       A friend of mine got irritated with people correcting a tutor in his first seminar at University. "Nice" pronounced "Niece" etc. He thought he'd take the mick by saying his surname, 'Rust' (pronounced - 'Rust'), was actually pronounced 'Roost'. However, his joke went unnoticed and he has been known as Roost ever since. Also Rooster, The Roost, Roostafaride and a miriad of other similarly adjusted Roost-based syllable combinations.
theleopard, Oct 05 2007

       Unless the site looks up a specific person this would be a problem. I know of Talliaferro as an obvious one. It is sometimes pronounced as spelled, sometimes as Tolliver. At least in the U.S. a person can pronounce their name any way they want to as long as there is no intent to defraud. One story, possibly apocryphal, tells of a family that changed their name to something long and hard to spell/say to meet the terms of a will, but pronounced it smith.
MechE, Oct 05 2007

       I know a Dr. Wanker, and also a Wan Kiew. This doesn't help the discussion but I wanted to mention it.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 05 2007

       I've long planned to name my first born "!". Pronounced silently with just a look of open-mouthed surprise. And waggly jazz-hands.
lostdog, Oct 05 2007

       I love the bakery. I love the ideas, I love {most} anno's. I love [lostdogs] "!" Im going to steal that and name my puppy "!"
evilpenguin, Oct 05 2007

       There are some names being formulated here in the U.S. that could use a pronunciation guide. You cannot tell my looking at the name how it will be pronounced.   

       Really, if you're going to be making up a name, or pulling one of your ass, please include a pronunciation guide. Thanks.
Noexit, Oct 05 2007

       [lostdog] there's a band called "!!!" which, I beleive, is pronounced, "check check check."
theleopard, Oct 05 2007

       I bet they meant to call themselves 111 but just left caps lock on.
lostdog, Oct 05 2007

       One thing I would find useful (and this probably just reflect my ignorance) is a guide as to which part of a name is the "family" name and which is the "given". For Asian names at least, I find it confusing; it's made more so by the fact that many people I correspond with will rearrange their name (when writing to westerners) to fit in with the "western" style - so I'm left wondering.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 05 2007

       Perhaps there should be a universal name which can be used when the target name's pronunciation is very unclear.   

       Lleewellyn would become 'Huanca'   

       Siobhan would become 'Huanca'   

       Razafindrandriatsimaniry would become 'Huanca'   

       Neilp would become 'Huanca'   

       and so on, and so forth
vincevincevince, Oct 06 2007


       sorry neilp.
po, Oct 06 2007

       Still trying to figure out how to pronounce "Domingue" as "phonetically".
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Oct 06 2007

       awol: dumb in gooey
dentworth, Oct 06 2007

       Would "jutta" be on the list? (Not exactly hard to pronounce, just often mispronounced. Sorta the same?)
blissmiss, Oct 06 2007

       how is "Jutta" pronounced ?   

       [squeak] - yeah a bit like that, but not just English
neilp, Oct 07 2007

       I'm guilty of mispronouncing names and proud of it! Also, I spell things however they sound like they sound like they should be spelled too. But, sometimes you just got to get it right. [+]
quantum_flux, Oct 12 2007

       Yes!!! I like!!! My surname is always mispronounced when it's read and always spelt wrong when it's heard, and it drives me round the bend.   

       Also, it's already spelt in a simplified way. If it were written "Mac an tSaoir Iubhair", which is the original spelling, you could probably count the number of people who pronounce it properly on the thumbs of one foot.
nineteenthly, Jan 08 2008

       // I've long planned to name my first born "!". Pronounced silently with just a look of open-mouthed surprise. And waggly jazz-hands. //   

       Isn't that international sign language for "I need to piss now!"
RayfordSteele, Jan 08 2008

       It was actually a song by Pootie Tang
globaltourniquet, Jan 08 2008


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