Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Strato Cadavers

More fun for your next international incident
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A false-flag operation. Dominate the news cycle for days or weeks and get to call your adversary mean names.

Build a high-altitude "weather" balloon with a faux crew gondola. Doesn't need a life support system, as it will only contain one or more relatively fresh cadavers. Each corpse should be wearing a flight suit, which would have civilian markings.

Launch when & where prevailing winds can be expected to carry it over an unfriendly nation. When their government protests, insist it's a research balloon that accidentally went astray.

It eventually comes down - intact enough to see there were bodies in it, but smashed up enough to hide the truth. You'll want to claim they shot it down even if they didn't, so you'll need a remote destruct mechanism just in case.

Hilarity ensues when they insist they didn't do anything wrong!

a1, May 01 2023


       For added conspiracy paranoia, the wreckage should contain fragments of a cannister marked "Chemtrail mix"
hippo, May 02 2023

       This is probably better than cumulo cadavers.
pertinax, May 02 2023

       I had miss-read the title in a way that made me think it was an idea for a replica vintage violin made of human cadaver sinews.
xenzag, May 02 2023

       That could add a surreal note ... the Strato Cadaver "crew" could be posed as traveling violinists.
a1, May 02 2023

       motto: "death from above"
Loris, May 02 2023

       [xen] not a type of oily, fleshy tropical fruit marketed by the Fender Guitar Corporation? - oh no, wait, that's "Strat Avocados"
hippo, May 02 2023

       Totally sick. Keep up the good work.   

whatrock, May 04 2023


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