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Squeeze Chicken With Flute Holes (Bock Pipes)

Play songs on a squeeze chicken like the link below by fingering the chicken's holes.
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Not here, further down.
doctorremulac3, Sep 01 2024

Here https://www.faceboo...el/1884696162040573
[doctorremulac3, Sep 01 2024]

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       Bock pipes?
21 Quest, Sep 01 2024

       Ohh, that's good. Dammit!   

       You get credit for that. (Secretely I hate it when I get the ball to the five yard line and somebody takes it over the goal line like that. But hey, well played.)
doctorremulac3, Sep 01 2024

       Twas my pleasure, good Baker.
21 Quest, Sep 01 2024


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