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Soliton producing musical instrument

Solitons are waves that travel much further than other waves and dissapate less. Constructing musical instruments that produce soliton notes creates a far reaching, possibly louder harpsichord, guitar, or saxophone. Also it might not work.
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Solitons [link] are a kind of nondispersive wave [link] that travels much farther from lack of dissipation. Based on the person at the video physically producing a soliton I think it is possible for musical instruments to produce these causing things like harpsichords, possibly guitars, and saxaphones to have much further distance of hearability.

At the youtube video they produce solitons in water, a kind of acoustic phenomenon. Giving the water a certain kind of push is enough to make one.

So what kinds of instruments are compatible with air push? Flutes, and something like a slingshot harpsichord, or just possibly very percussive keys at a saxophone could all be modified to produce solitions.

Is it possible to produce a soliton, high reach, concentrated loudness acoustic guitar? Those lengthwise strings are kinda "no no no", yet think of the strings being two parallel threads with Venetian blinds between them, sort of like =|=|=|=|=| The venetian blinds would push against the side air with each oscillation producing a plurality of solitons out the *sides* of the guitar. Presumably it is possible to size them so that they produce known notes like ABCDEFG. Presumable the sound box is then useless, unless it is patterned like a fresnel lens, to sort of mirrorball a bunch of solitons to a wider swathe of the performing area.

One very interesting possibility is the loud unplugged electric guitar. Although the energy from the moving strings is the same amount it is highly directional and nondissipative. The directionality suggests a saxophone soliton instrument might be particularly good for beam aiming.

Oh, and incidentally, it might not work because it requires a channel, just possibly a tube could create that. Interestingly a sky phenomenon, roller clouds, are solitons that travel through open air, so, then again it might work.

beanangel, Jan 31 2017

youtube video of an acousticlike push on water produces a far travelling nondissipating soliton, and looks amazing https://www.youtube...watch?v=w-oDnvbV8mY
[beanangel, Jan 31 2017]

wikipedia soliton; acoustic solitons not mentioned https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soliton
[beanangel, Jan 31 2017]

(?) circular solitons; you can watch them cohere while gently moving after the https://www.youtube...watch?v=PyjwZ39EDmw
you can see the circular solitons "cohere" while gently moving long after the ((0)) ripple has dissipated, now with air rather than water as the fluid medium imagine this reaching an ear Caveat: these "falaco" circular solitons only occury at boundary layers like air water. [beanangel, Jan 31 2017]

roller cloud, an atmospheric soliton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcus_cloud
[beanangel, Jan 31 2017]

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solihull [pertinax, Dec 12 2021]


       It won't be "music". Music requires a waveform; a soliton is simply a single pressure pulse. A "frequency" can be determined by looking at the overall pulse and rise time, but there's no ADSR.   

       There are already highly efficient devices that produce single high-energy sonic pulses audible at great distances, far further than conventional musical instruments.
8th of 7, Jan 31 2017

       You mean bullets, don't you, [8th]?
MaxwellBuchanan, Jan 31 2017

       Whatever caused you to leap to that conclusion in the absence of any evidence ?
8th of 7, Jan 31 2017

       if you do enough soliton pulses per second it sounds like ABCDEFG
beanangel, Jan 31 2017

       Does that that third youtube vid qualify as a soliton? It is the shadows cast by the dimples of the cross section of a vortex ring that's been cut in half by the surface of the pool water making what appear to be counter rotating tornados.   

       Sounds suspiciously like bagpipes.
not_morrison_rm, Jan 31 2017

       [bean] the strings of a string instrument produce almost no sound into the air, since they have verry little surface area so push the air very less. Instead, the strings mereley excite the soundboard, which being flexible and wide and securely attatched to the strings, vibrates and thus pushes upon the aire with much more efficacey. Hence you should ignore the strings and think instead of soundboarde desygne for your invension.
pocmloc, Feb 03 2017

       If the point of playing live music was that only one member of the audience would be able to hear it, this would be great.
notexactly, Mar 04 2017


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