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Sodium Based Meat Tenderizer and Seasoning

Hasmat suit not included
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Just a few dashes, it burns down into the meat injecting seasoned goodness.

Sodium burns very intensely when it hits water. So you've got your flavoring mixed in with this stuff, you sprinkle it on your steaks or chops and it burns through just enough to permeate the meat with seasoning before burning out. The hundreds of tiny holes it puts in the meat act to tenderize it as well.

Hey, this seasoning is really hot! Don't use too much or you're burn through the barbecue. No, really. You'll actually burn through the metal of your barbecue.

Of course you could be killed, blinded or maimed so this stuff isn't for pussies.

doctorremulac3, Dec 13 2013

Saponification http://en.wikipedia...wiki/Saponification
[bs0u0155, Dec 13 2013]


       Sodium in contact with water makes sodium hydroxide, so the meat is going to feel a bit soapy on the tongue.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 13 2013

       Are you sure? I'm thinking the only effect on the meat would be heat and flames.   

       Let me research sodium on meat. Somebody has to have done this before.
doctorremulac3, Dec 13 2013

       Wow, everything on the web about sodium/meat is about salt content.   

       I'll have to take your word for it about the soap thing.
doctorremulac3, Dec 13 2013

       //Are you sure?//   

       Yes, fairly. 2Na + 2H2O --> 2NaOH + H2. The H2 is what goes bang, I believe.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 13 2013

       How about if you do it in a chlorine atmosphere?
pocmloc, Dec 13 2013

       A high ratio of sodium to potassium in the diet is thought to contribute to heart disease and other health problems.   

       So I'd suggest adding a bit of potassium to the food too, just for safety. [+]
Wrongfellow, Dec 13 2013

       Bitter. Bitter bitter bitter, bitter.
lurch, Dec 13 2013

       .... and then you order the Guinness right at the end, according to the 3rd law of bar staff annoyance.
bs0u0155, Dec 13 2013

       [MaxwellBuchanan] is correct, because meat has a high water content, and it is the water that sodium reacts with. Hydrogen is released, and if you have a chlorine atmosphere handy, the hydrogen and the chlorine can explosively react.   

       However! The sodium hydroxide in the meat, plus the hydrochloric acid produced by the other reaction, can get together to make table salt and water.   

       But I wouldn't assume that all the molecules of each will get together, and we should assume the meat will be at least moderately toxic because of being highly alkaline in spots, and highly acidic in other spots.
Vernon, Dec 13 2013

       These insights/comments are what makes this the only social site worth going to on the internets.   

       Although to be fair, I've never been on any other social sites.
doctorremulac3, Dec 13 2013

       //These insights// That's a bit of a misoverestimate.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 13 2013

       //social site// That's a bit of a misoverestimate.
AusCan531, Dec 13 2013

       overcooking is not tenderizing, still may bun just because it's a funny misunderstanding of science
EdwinBakery, Dec 15 2013

       No, the cooking, if you could call it that, wouldn't be due to the heat, it would be do to the fact that you've penetrated the meat with hundreds of tiny little holes as the sodium burned through it.
doctorremulac3, Dec 15 2013

       If I recall, the Norwegian delicacy lutefisk is made by treating fish with lye. So the real application of this idea would be instant lutefisk powder.   

       I am not sure if the fish is cooked before the lye, or if that matters much.
bungston, Dec 15 2013

       //Norwegian delicacy lutefisk is made by treating fish with lye//   

       If true, that fact would qualify "Norwegian delicacy" as sort of a non-sequitur.
doctorremulac3, Dec 15 2013

       "Delicacy" in the sense of "delicate" in that it falls apart easily on handling.
bungston, Dec 15 2013


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