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Smoking Wind Vane

Always points downwind from the bus stop, indicating where smokers should stand to smoke.
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swimswim, Dec 20 2009


       Good idea... let's have it shaped like a pipe.
DrWorm, Dec 21 2009

       With puffs of smoke coming out, to indicate wind speed and gustiness.
pocmloc, Dec 21 2009

       //Always points downwind from the bus stop, indicating where smokers should stand to smoke//
Vandals would jam these to always point to somewhere in the road.
coprocephalous, Dec 21 2009

       What [cop] said. [+]
8th of 7, Dec 21 2009

       The color of the smoke can indicate whether they've selected a new pope.
tatterdemalion, Dec 21 2009

This was an idea intended to circumvent, rather than aggravate smoker/non-smoker ill relations. But clearly the vane will need to be placed atop a greased pole.
swimswim, Dec 22 2009

       // rather than aggravate smoker/non-smoker ill relations. //   

       You should have picked an easier task, then, like a workable over-unity machine or Middle-East Peace.   

       Not that the greasy pole is a bad idea; it will help feed the flames when a smoker is tied to it and burnt.
8th of 7, Dec 22 2009

       + let's have it shaped like the Pope.
xandram, Dec 22 2009

       [biglseep] A more general, albeit slightly more costly solution, is to station an odor sniffing dog at each bus stop. If the dog barks at you, then the wind vane points for -you-. This works for smokers, stinky students, and kielbasa vendors.
swimswim, Dec 22 2009

       What [bigsleep] said. Also on any given day, some proportion of the queue would be subjected to RTAs (MVA's). Because weather is essentially random (and path travel is not so random outside its dimensions), this would not skew any relevant accident data. Besides, of course, maybe killing the next messiah or pope. Quite randomly of course. Unless they smoke, or drive bullet proof, chaffuer driven vehicles, in which case... where is your g_d now!
4whom, Dec 22 2009

       // weather is essentially random //   


       Weather systems are chaotic, not random.   

8th of 7, Dec 22 2009

       [8th...] Prove that...
4whom, Dec 22 2009

       welcome back [21...], now fuck off again. I mean that in the nicest possible way :-).
4whom, Dec 22 2009

       I think the wind-vane idea would be useful for smokers t0o. We get a bit sick of inhaling all this second-hand pious indignation.
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 22 2009

       //I think the wind-vane idea would be useful for smokers to//
Would be useful for smokers to what?
AbsintheWithoutLeave, Dec 22 2009

       Therefore, shoot the smokers one day before retirement, if they fall ill, or of they quit smoking.
8th of 7, Dec 22 2009

       //Vandals would jam these to always point to somewhere in the road.// That depends on whether or not it's literally a smoking wind vane. Am I right in assuming that it would indicate where smokers should stand by the direction of the smoke it emits?
fridge duck, Dec 23 2009

       The original idea was to simply point in the downwind direction, but the wisdom of the annos suggested the addition of a vandal-confounding smoke-emitting device.
swimswim, Dec 23 2009


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