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Sequential Turkey Poppers

Bake turkey without going berserk(y)
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Most turkeys come with a plastic "thermometer" stuck into them which pops out when the bird is fully cooked.

But you don't know exactly when it's going to pop, and this forces you to (a) check the oven constantly, letting cold air in, and (b) worry that maybe it won't pop at all in time for dinner. It also leads to timing problems; e.g, when should you start putting out the other platters?

A second thermometer, which pops about half an hour before the "real" thermometer, would solve both problems.

Thank you.

phundug, Nov 29 2004

Turkey Pop-Up Thermometer: How it works http://www.temperat...orld.com/turkey.htm
I had never heard of this thing. [jutta, Nov 29 2004]

Turkey-scented amyl nitrate? http://www.urban75....Drugs/drugamyl.html
.....as a room odourisor? [normzone, Nov 29 2004]


       Or you could stuff it with popcorn kernels.
FarmerJohn, Nov 29 2004

       Whatever happened to 20 minutes a pound plus 20 on gas mark 6 (turning once)?
gnomethang, Nov 29 2004

       wouldnt you have to check for the second thermometer?   

       FJ - your solution is quite brilliant.
energy guy, Nov 29 2004

       That 20 minutes per pound thing isn't exact... guests could be arriving and you still don't know if or when the thing will pop.
phundug, Nov 30 2004

       Sounds like what's needed is an array of thermocouples and moisture sensors inserted in to the turkey, wireless telemetry to a computer that monitors the cooking process, tracks max and min temperature points, current oven temperature, rate of increase in temperature, current moisture content and so on to provide a turkey progress bar. "2 hours 47 minutes, 52 seconds remaining". Every time you open the oven door, you'd see the estimated time increase. The moisture sensors might be able to prompt for basting.
half, Nov 30 2004

       If this weren't the halfbakery I'd suggest a thermometer.
Worldgineer, Nov 30 2004

       Isn't that what I just said, in halfbakese?
half, Nov 30 2004

       Perhaps we can take the 'progress meter' and so as to keep from having to open the oven door to check it directly, stick in an 802.11b wireless adapter and small linux based webserver (ala Linksys router interface) w/ DHCP client. You could then check the progress of the turkey via webpage...   

       oven: //turkey.local.net/ progress.php
Chrome, Nov 30 2004

       [half] yes.   

       What this idea has over a thermometer is that it would still be cheap enough to include free with a turkey. However, I think the design can be refined further.   

       (see [jutta]'s link to see what I'm talking about here) Use just one stem that pops up, just like a traditional design. However, have several layers of solder at the tip that melt at different temperatures. Have different diameter holes that the tip must pass through. Color the stem at different levels, letting you know approximately how much time is remaining. For instance, if it's made it down to orange, you have about 30 minutes left.
Worldgineer, Nov 30 2004


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