Rep: How did you get the idea for a Segway Parachute?
Prof: Vell, it vas ven I vas
shall I speak vizout an accent?
Rep: Yes, please.
Prof: Well, it was when I was testing the SegSwing. There I was on my aß, swaying six meters above the ground, thinking outside of the sandbox.
On your aß?
Prof: Yes, you sit on a board, gyro-stabilized high over a bar, on steel poles. So I thought one could use the same principle with a parachute, to balance over the fabric.
Rep: So, how does the SegSchute work?
Prof: Its all packed in the 60 kg seat pad: the chute, the usual gyros, motor, battery, computer and the eight carbon fiber, spring-loaded, telescopic support rods. Instead of hanging underneath, one is sitting pretty, high over the silk. Control flaps to release trapped air and the changing lengths of the rods keep you on top of the air pocket.
Rep: What are the advantages with this system?
Prof: Its a very claßy way to fall. You sit and enjoy the view, while the electronics fly you by the seat of your pants. Though you descend faster than a parachute, the landing on the spring-loaded rods is quite soft.
Rep: Im concerned about life, battery life.
Prof: If the twin NiMH battery packs fail, you automatically flip over to float down conventionally, except you are upside down and do a one point landing. Our test pilot strongly suggested we include an optional ejection seat with reserve parachute.
Rep: Any other options, add-ons?
Prof: Yes, we are developing a telescopic springboard so one can walk the plank to do some skydiving.