If youve ever washed and reused a Ziploc® bag, youve probably found that the washing-drying process is more effective with the bag inside-out. Furthermore, if youre like me, when its time to put the bag back in the drawer, you dont bother to rereverse it (that is, turn it outside-out.) Consequently,
the next time you have some leftovers to put away, you grab a bag, throw the food in, try to zip it up and find that the bag is still inside-out, damn it.
I propose a plastic bag that you can zip up regardless of which way out it is.
The zipper is of the Ziploc® Easy Zipper sort (with the little slidy thing (see link)) but with two graspable tabs -- like on a sleeping bag -- allowing operation from either side*.
The bag is also made of extra-heavy-duty plastic, allowing it to be washed and reused up to 10000 times.
*In theory, a person could get inside and zip himself in, so there is a slight suffocation hazard for very small children.