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Redacted Classified Briefing MadLibs

Grind reports and pour nonsense into them
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In xx/xx/xx at xx:xx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was targeted during Operation XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX. Unfortunately, several civilians were XXXXXXXX which resulted in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. During the ensuing protests, XXXXXXXXXXXX rose to a prominent role over the protestors. It is seen as in the country's best interests to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. With regards to rebuilding XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXX main industries have deteriorated to subsistence levels, creating a shaky leadership situation that XXXXXXXXXXXXX will likely take advantage of. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX have been building up on the border of XXXXXXXXXXXXX, with encroachment deemed inevitable.

In __Stardate 2064.78.2__, __Boss Hogg__ was targeted during Operation __Removal of the Spleen__. Unfortunately, several civilians were __pixie dusted__ which resulted in __Massive Gay Pride Celebrations__. During the ensuing protests, __Dom DeLuise__ rose to a prominent role over the protestors. It is seen as in the country's best interests to __prevent him from acting in another Baby Geniuses movie__. With regards to rebuilding __Noah's Ark__, __Kentucky's__ main industries have deteriorated to subsistence levels, creating a shaky leadership situation that __Colonel Sanders__ will likely take advantage of. __Head lice__ have been building up on the border of __Australia__, with encroachment deemed inevitable.

RayfordSteele, Jul 01 2020




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