Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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(Rolling in flour, halfbaking my ass off)

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Penny security

You can't steal something you can't move.
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Imagine, if you will, that you a genius bank robber. For years you have been plotting an ingenious heist. You and your highly practiced gang of thugs succesfully infiltrate and blast your way into a gleaming stainless steal safe. Inside, you find and pilied about the room are bags and bags stuffed full of... pennies. Millions of them. Only able to lift a few twenty or thirty bags, you and your gang escape in your pre-positioned helicopter with a grand total of fifty dollars.

"darn" you sputter, "if only I had brought a fork-lift!"

ultra-toaster 3000, Oct 13 2009

Stone Money of Yap http://www.pictures...ds/Stone-Money.html
Fiddly small change... [8th of 7, Oct 13 2009]


       This is impractical for the same reason that you cite it being hard to steal. Can you imagine going to the bank with a fleet of trucks just to get enough cash to pay Mark for the pics he got hold of from that summer you were a bit too drunk in Lyon and the wives were out of town?
vincevincevince, Oct 13 2009

       Hmm, true, but on the other hand you could just write Mark a check.
ultra-toaster 3000, Oct 13 2009

       Why not take the idea a step further, and make the pennies 9 feet in diameter and 4 feet thick?
Wrongfellow, Oct 13 2009

       That's very impractical, [Wrongfellow]. I would say 5 foot by 16 inches would be big enough to be secure, but small enough to roll through a normal front door and down the street to the shops.
pocmloc, Oct 13 2009

       With cast copper weighing 542 pounds per cubic foot, this is going to bring a whole new weight to the saying "a penny for your thoughts".
normzone, Oct 13 2009

       Apparently there is an island in the Southern Pacific where the inhabitants used to use very large - almost immovable - stones as currency. Quite how it worked was not made clear.
8th of 7, Oct 13 2009

       Actually, the Wikipedia article (as well as most popular articles on stone money) is (are) bollocks - the interpretation of them as "money" is perverse and wrong.   

       The big stone discs are "money" only in the same sense that the Mona Lisa or a ceremonial sword are "money". Yes, the discs were exchanged and given on various occassions and, yes, they were considered "valuable". Exactly the same is true today of statues, ancient artifacts etc - this does not make them "money".
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 13 2009

       // this does not make them "money" //   

       Indeed not. They are "negotiable securities". In some ways they are superior to paper money or even coins which are non-unique and have little or no intrinsic value.   

       It is admittedly rather awkward to purchase three pints of bitter and two packets of cheese and onion crisps with a Gary Larsen original cartoon, and getting the change in live chickens, but barter remains a workable method of commerce, and is retained in a number of the more primitive areas of your planet, such as New Guinea, the Amazon rainforest, and Aberystwith.
8th of 7, Oct 13 2009

       //this does not make them "money".// //the concepts are the same. //   

       No, the concepts are not the same. The value attached to the stones was not consistent either over time or across people; nor were they used in the wide range of situations where currency would be used.   

       They were works of art or status symbols, and had value accordingly, but they weren't "money".
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 13 2009

       Well, I didn't really follow that. Anyway.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 13 2009

       interesting idea for Fort Knox: just melt all the gold into one large impossible-to-move nugget.
FlyingToaster, Oct 13 2009

       Bigs, I may be dumb or tired (or both), but I really don't follow. All I'm saying is that calling the Big Round Stones With Holes In "money" is no different from calling, say, a valuable statue "money". It can be given, it can be traded, its value depends on circumstance and perception, but it's not money.
MaxwellBuchanan, Oct 13 2009

       a truely huge brick o gold could be kept outside and guarded by genetically re-incarnated man eating dinosaurs. We would never need money again, all checks would be backed by the national gold mountain standard.
WcW, Oct 13 2009

       [ ] for the post, [+] for a huge brick/nugget guarded by recreated dinosaurs.
FlyingToaster, Oct 13 2009

       [bs] [WcW]'s anno following your previous one
FlyingToaster, Oct 13 2009


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