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Passive Web Page Signing

We do it for applets, why not web pages?
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The idea is simply to provide passive, sign-only certificates for sites that don't need encryption.

An online newspaper is a great example case. They serve mostly static content and could easily sign their static pages.

Advantages -saves crypto overhead -untrusted third party can do hosting

Disadvantages -only works for static content

RichardT, Oct 01 2011

code signing certificates http://www.google.c...igning+certificates
Google search shows many results [RichardT, Oct 02 2011]

html signing certificates ? http://www.google.c...signing+certificate
No relevant results found, mostly stuff about doing SSL without getting a certificate from verisign etc [RichardT, Oct 02 2011]


       One day in the future, everything will be digitally signed. It's just one of those things that makes sense.
zen_tom, Oct 03 2011


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