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Open Source Organ Donations

Organ recipients must register as organ donors
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Just like including Gnu Public License (GPL) source code in your computer program requires you to release your own source code under GPL, people receiving an organ donation should be required to open up their organs for donation as well.

Get a heart transplant? When you pass on, your kidneys would still be good for someone else to enjoy.

Requiring organ recipients to become organ donors would expand the number of donors available, increasing the number of available organs and decreasing the amount of time before a suitable organ is found.

flicken, Dec 03 2007

Beard Transplant Registry Beard_20Transplant_20Registry
facial features version [xenzag, Dec 03 2007]


       I've often imagined something similar for blood donations. Take a pint, give a pint (if possible).
simonj, Dec 03 2007


       Welcome back [flicken].   

       //Take a pint, give a pint (if possible).//   

       the red cross does this where i live.
pyggy potamus, Dec 03 2007

       In the first place, you will not likely find many people more open to the idea of being donors than transplant patients. So you're preaching to the choir.   

       Second, the conditions which require a person to receive a transplant are seldom isolated - for example, diabetes may have caused someone's kidneys to fail, but it will also have had a deleterious effect on heart, lungs, corneas, veins, skin, and so forth.   

       Third, the immunosuppressant medications required by the transplant patient can render all that patient's organs unsuitable for transplant.   

       That third item is what the transplant team told my wife when she asked if she should keep the "donor" sticker on her driver's license. It's been a few years back, though; I'll contact the transplant coordinator to see if it's still the case.
lurch, Dec 03 2007

       I won't argue about diabetes, but you'd think the immunosuppressants would come in handy to the next donor. Pre-glued kidney, just peel and stick! Well, sometimes things are more complicated...   

       Maybe organ recipients could instead convince their friends and family to become organ donors. (But surely that, too, is already happening.)
jutta, Dec 03 2007

       //you'd think the immunosuppressants would come in handy to the next donor// - likewise, a kidney which had already been donated should be easier to donate again when the first recipient dies - just cut along the stitches.
hippo, Dec 03 2007


       //Take a pint, give a pint (if possible).//   

       the red cross does this where i live.//   

       Really? The rules in Britain are totally different:   

       You should not give blood if:   


       9: You have received blood or think you may have received blood during the course of any medical treatment or procedure anywhere in the world since 1st January 1980.
fridge duck, Dec 03 2007

       I just talked with the kidney transplant coordinator at the University of Utah Hospital. She says that anyone who is, or has been, on immunosuppressive drugs would be considered ineligible for organ donation. In other words, in the U.S. at least, this idea is a non-starter - recipients are forbidden to donate.   

       [fridge duck] - in the U.S., blood donation is permanently refused ("deferred") for anyone who, since 1980, received a transfusion in the UK because of risk of CJD. Also deferred are transfusion patients in certain African countries, since 1977 (risk of difficult-to-detect variants of HIV) and dura mater (brain covering) transplant recipients regardless of where or when. (CJD again.) (That's "Mad Cow Disease" for us rednecks.) Oddly, other transplants - and transfusions - only incur a 12 month deferral, regardless of immunosuppressant use.
lurch, Dec 03 2007

       //Really? The rules in Britain are totally different://   

       I suspect [pygmy] refers to the nice frosty beverage one receives for their donation, not a exchange of blood.
sprogga, Dec 04 2007

       //I suspect [pygmy] refers to the nice frosty beverage one receives for their donation, not a exchange of blood.//   

       [sprogga] You need not insult my intelligence.   

       I qualified my response by predicating it with the phrase "where I live". Just because it is true in Britain does not automatically mean it is true in the Philippines. Both my local units of Red Cross and the Department of Health require an exchange of blood. In fact, if you need blood in a hurry and are not able to provide an exchange, they require you to leave a government issued ID with them. The only time you can redeem your ID is after you've donated blood. [my co-worker’s SSS ID was kept by the Red Cross till he was able to replace the blood he “borrowed”]. This donation does not have to come from you specifically; it can be done by a family member or a friend on your behalf. Only Filipinos who have taken residence in Europe since 1990 for at least 6 months are eliminated from the blood donor pool. The Department of Health issued a directive in 2001 making this an elimination criterion.   

       I bunned this idea because it made people give back. The blood exchange rule was instituted because people kept on taking but the donations were next to none. In a country where dengue claims thousands of kids every rainy season, these offices made requisite what they could.   

       I work for a trading company which sells hematology analyzers, reagents and other allied products. I can differentiate plasma from a smoothie.   

       And…. It’s PYGGY, not PYGMY.
pyggy potamus, Dec 04 2007

       While I support the encouragement of organ donation (and have carried a card myself for going on 40 years), I'm not sure about the mandatory aspect of this concept. Where there's an obligation, there must be enforcement; who administers the enforcement, and how? Can the original donor absolve the recipient of his obligation to donate? (If not, why not? Whose organ was it anyway?) If I carried a 'refusal to donate' card, would I be refused a transplant? Even from a willing donor?

Incidentally, the only country in the world which does not have a shortage of human kidneys for transplant is also the only one which has a legal market for the sale of human kidneys from living donors.
angel, Dec 04 2007

       I won't get into the ethical / philosophical / legal / medical dialogue. Others better versed and probably more completely aware of the issues than I are already hashing it nicely.   

       That said, bun. I've been giving blood ever since college (do NOT immediately leap up and run to first class afterward! You will miss stuff that's going to be on the test) and I think I've passed a gallon and a half or so. The blood banks here keep track: each time you give covers you for a year; if you need blood during that time, the blood is free. I'm covered for a great many years, and have been donating for other family members too.
elhigh, Dec 04 2007

       I agree with the sentiment behind this but, even apart from the medical issues, how much difference would this make?   

       What proportion of people are transplant recipients? I'm guessing it's maybe a percent of all people. And what proportion of people are organ donors? I'm guessing it's more than 10 percent. So, you're going to increase organ donorship from 10% to 10.9%, all other things being equal.   

       Just out of curiosity: my understanding is that it doesn't really matter whether or not you carry a donor card - doctors can still ask your next of kin about using your organs. Is this correct? Does carrying a donor card make a big difference?
MaxwellBuchanan, Dec 05 2007

       //Does carrying a donor card make a big difference?//   

       Absolutely none, at least not in the UK. Next of kin can be asked anyway, *and* have to agree before any bits are salvaged. This idea gets a [-] because I don't like the idea of pushing someone into being a donor just because they've had the misfortune to require a donor themselves.
jtp, Dec 05 2007

       My heart is kinda special, yes. It was handed from my great grand father to my grandfather, from him to my father and then onto me, so yes, this heart has been in the family for generations ;)

[Edit] And don't even get me started on my left kidney...
xxobot, Dec 06 2007

       [JTP] - that anno makes me sad. I've heard similar, I wonder what the situation is here in Australia?   

       I donate blood, and have put into all relevant documentation that I wish to donate my organs (and whatever else they find useful). Hell, burn my corpse and save a few kilo's of coal, I don't care.   

       |'d hate to think that anyone would have any right to deny these wishes. What a sad place we live in sometimes.
Custardguts, Dec 07 2007


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