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Newborn Transplants

Harvest organs from aborted fetuses
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Congenital heart defects in newborns are terrible, and I don't aim to make light of these serious health issues or of abortion in general. I used to carpool with a guy who was born with a heart defect, and I just learned this week that I now have one in the family.

I wonder if late-term aborted fetuses could be used as organ donors for newborns, particularly for the premature.

kevinthenerd, May 15 2014

Novelty_20organ_20translants Does what it says on the coffin... [not_morrison_rm, May 17 2014]


       Perhaps this is already done?
MaxwellBuchanan, May 15 2014

       Yes, I think so. And maybe they can be harvested (terrible word in this context) and grown to suit older people.   

       However, dreaded monty python like scenario's ensue where "docters" go around saying "can we have his liver then?" to grieving parents.   

       Brainless aborted fetuses growing in vats line the walls.   

       slippery slope
zeno, May 15 2014

       //slippery slope// I'll get my toboggan.
MaxwellBuchanan, May 15 2014

       Brainless aborted fetuses growing in vats[+] I, for one, strongly support the notion of designing brainless humans, (replace basic endocrine and organ control with a chip) cloning other humans, and harvesting organs.   

       // "docters" go around saying "can we have his liver then?" to grieving parents.//   

       Doctors already do this with older cadavers, why not younger ones?
Voice, May 16 2014

       // Brainless aborted fetuses growing in vats[+] I, for one, strongly support the notion of designing brainless humans, (replace basic endocrine and organ control with a chip) cloning other humans, and harvesting organs.//   

       Why not clone yourself and transplant your brain?   

       Why not come up with a proper way to avoid cellular aging? Save all the Dr Frankenstein faffing about.   

       Oh, that gave me an idea BTW see linky to novelty organ transplants..
not_morrison_rm, May 17 2014


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