Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Old Packaging On Display

Supermarkets let you tell whether this redesigned box is the same product as before
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I hate when I get to the supermarket, can't find the product I want, and then find something *similar* looking but which may or may not be the same thing. Darn it, they've gone and changed the packaging again. Sometimes they even change the name of the flavor.

(For example, just tonight Wheat Thins Low Sodium crackers became Wheat Thins "Hint of Salt").

In vain, I check the ingredients and nutrition percentages, but I never remember if they are the same figures as before.

Often, I have a half-opened package of the old kind at home; this presents a dilemma: Do I go home and check the numbers and come back another day, or take a chance on the new box?

How easy and convenient it would be if supermarkets kept one old box -- not for sale -- on the shelves just to help people compare the new packaging to the old.

phundug, Apr 15 2009


       Yes very good idea. Also helps recycle. To a small degree but it helps.
blissmiss, Apr 15 2009

       They could incorporate the old packaging (OP) in a formula : [[OP-30g]+single wrap]/2fat = New Product
loonquawl, Apr 15 2009

       We are in the days of iphone apps and ubiquitous internet connectivity (well at least those of you outside the borders of my country). Why not bar-code based "cloud" relational database of previous packaging. Frees up valuable shelf real estate, and provides consumer info. Of course, getting brand owners to buy-in is still a problem. There are generally very considered reasons when changing "ice-cream" to "frozen desert" or "low sodium" to "hint of salt", for example.
4whom, Apr 15 2009

       <mis-quoting theonion.com article> Fuck five blades, we are gonna ramp it up. I don't care if we need to put blades on the fucking handle. </mis quote>   

       There is a tee-shirt in that...
4whom, Apr 15 2009

       wasn't that long ago "5 blades" was a joke... I'm still not sure it isn't.
FlyingToaster, Apr 15 2009

       //why not bar-code based "cloud" relational database of previous packaging.//   

       I could also photograph all my brands at home with a digital camera and carry the pictures with me at all times. But supermarkets could solve the problem for everyone in one swoop, today, with no electronics required.
phundug, Apr 15 2009

       Hey, I am olde shooley! I would love this, I just see my future being wipped away by numerical progression, which I add to as one of the proponents of data compression by libraries, and binary optimisations. You live by the sword, you die by it, I suppose...
4whom, Apr 15 2009


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