Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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Need net

Charity is pretty easy, you provide for people's needs. But how do you learn about who is in need? This idea is a charity marketplace where you can invest in poor people's needs directly
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People publish proof of their ingoings and outgoings and what they have a need for - food, shelter.

Someone could live in an area and not be able to drive, so they cannot afford to commute to work.

People can establish a plan with that person and help them move to a different area where there are jobs.

Someone could not afford to rent a flat because of the deposit. People help them pay for a deposit to get a place to live.

chronological, Jun 25 2023

Tolstoy's experiment https://theanarchis...-what-is-to-be-done
and what he learned [pertinax, Jun 27 2023]


       I need a secretary to add comments to other people's halfbakery ideas! And I need a spacious office for them to work from. And I also need an office manager to run the office. And I need living accommodation for the office manager and the secretary, and I need a shiney new computer each for them to use.   

       I also need a weekly delivery of a crate of champagne.   

       Income: not much.   

       Outgoings: a bit more than income.   

       I hope this fits the criteria for this new project! Looking forwards to offers of help!
pocmloc, Jun 25 2023

       I read that: where you can invent poor people's needs...
pashute, Jun 27 2023

       Around here we call that Welfare... or Income Assistance, or whatever new PC word they've come up with to describe able people paying more in taxes to make sure that unable people don't get put out on the streets.
The problem is mental illness.
People with their faculties still intact seek out help, and it's there for them.
People without their faculties intact tend to pretend that everything is perfectly PERFECTLY fine! and eschew assistance.

       When my step-son was diagnosed as bi-polar it was only after putting himself in debt for like fifteen cel phone plans and handing them out to homeless people. Stuffing twenty dollar bills under random doorways in his apartment building, and then he began disrobing in front of a Walmart leaving all of his clothes neatly folded for somebody who needed them more than him.   

       That lack of self preservation needs to be sought out as it will not present itself for help on its own.   

       Before reconnecting with my schizophrenic brother after a decade of no contact he would rather dumpster dive and sleep under pine trees than ask for help.
I had to convince him that "I" needed 'his', help and feed his ego accordingly to get him back on his feet thinking he was the one saving me.

       Broke is not poor.
'Poor' is a negative mind-set.
Broke is just a set-back for those with the right mind-set, even given disabilities.
Poor is the attitude of the people I saw growing up. The ones who would use welfare to beg for Christmas gifts for their kids, keep the receipts for the gifts bought, give their kids buggar-all, return them all after boxing day and go on a coke bender with the taxpayer money.

       A welfare state breeds people who find it more advantageous to be needy than productive.
By all means, let's pull together to help those who actually 'need' it, but those who milk the system need to be shown for who they are and made to work for a living like the rest of us who do so and don't bitch about it.

       You can't say I haven't contributed... I just gave it my two cents.   


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