Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
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IDontGetIt.com and TheyDontGetIt.com

A website where people say what they "don't get", such as taste. Also you can share others ignorance where you think someone doesn't understand something.
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There's many things that people like that I don't understand.

People try help you understand, and explain what is valuable.

chronological, Jul 20 2023


       I don't get it
hippo, Jul 20 2023

       [hippo] I don't understand, what do you mean you don't get it? Don't get what?
pocmloc, Jul 20 2023

       "ChatGPT: Write me a series of expressions of incomprehension, each one in the style of a different character, where each expression of incomprehension refers to the one before it, and the series creates a comedic crescendo of exaggeration"   

       We *know* ChatGPT doesn't get it.
pertinax, Jul 21 2023


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