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My Skeleton

make a copy of your own skeleton
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A friend of mine just got a 3d MRI picture of his skull. I'm sure some VCP could put this on a computer pointillist carver deal and render a life-sized version of his actual skull.

It would be really cool if there were a place that you could go to get your entire skeleton recreated to hang in your yard for Halloween. Kind of a vanity thing, but it would be cool. Do the whole family, even the cat and the dog.

It may even have some application for doctors who are tactilely sensitive.

nomocrow, Apr 20 2011

De-fleshing service De-fleshing_20Service
For comparison. [nomocrow, Apr 20 2011]

Snowflakes for [Loris] http://www.wired.co...id=831&viewall=true
These might convince you that all snowflakes could be unique. The amount of detail and variation is amazing. [spidermother, Apr 26 2011]


       [+] ... think I heard that the Vatican has the skull of St.John at 8 years old and another one of the same guy after he was beheaded.
FlyingToaster, Apr 20 2011

       Why stop at the skeleton? Print out your entire body. I could see the disect-yourself kit for pre-meds (using colored plastics for different organs), a your-own-doll for kids (complete with a full line of clothing and smoothed over private areas), etc.
Worldgineer, Apr 20 2011

       Can't you just choose an appropriate same species skeleton and assert that it is yours? Unless you have a baculum or some other skeletal aspect diverging from species norm, it would be hard to disprove that it was yours.
bungston, Apr 20 2011

       Combine this with vat grown meat and eat yourself!
Voice, Apr 20 2011

       Print it out in miniature and keep it on a keyring.
mitxela, Apr 20 2011

       [bungston] - It would be very embarrassing to have everyone find out that you were fronting someone else's skeleton (when the survivors hang up the real one).
nomocrow, Apr 20 2011

       Already being done. The reasons are a bit more serious, and sane. However, when the porogen scafold printing tech becomes ubiquitous, then why not?
4whom, Apr 20 2011

       Hell, it could even be alive (in a sense) like a bonsai me...
4whom, Apr 20 2011

       Yes, Yes, and one more yes. What a great idea. I want mine.
blissmiss, Apr 21 2011

       It's humerus faux show.   

       "Easily" obtained with a series of 3D scan and stereolithography (rapid prototyping). Uber expensive, and a very long and slow process though.
xenzag, Apr 21 2011

       [+] yes, I think my skeleton is skinnier than me!! haha
xandram, Apr 21 2011

blissmiss, Apr 21 2011

       I see, my own personalised Terminator...just what I always wanted...
not_morrison_rm, Apr 22 2011

       I envision executives using a model of their own skull as a pencil holder.
mitxela, Apr 22 2011

       I'd like to flesh it out with realistic organs and proceed to torture it "to death".
nineteenthly, Apr 22 2011

       heh, heh.
blissmiss, Apr 22 2011

       I've been worrying about losing my hair, mostly because my skull seems to have a funny bump or two (I hope it's extra brain, but my phrenologist ... (why does my browser's spellchecker know "phrenologist"?)) .... sorry, that just gobsmacked me out of where I was going...   

       Anyhow, people will see my misshapen skull over my dead body.
baconbrain, Apr 22 2011

       That's quite the image you've left us with there.
rcarty, Apr 22 2011

       ...could the //bump or two// be some bacon [baconbrain]?
xandram, Apr 22 2011

       They could be those little bone-buttons that you used to get in bacon. Actually, they don't seem to exist anymore. Have pigs changed their anatomy, or are butchers a bit more careful these days?
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 22 2011

       That I am not authorized to disclose.
baconbrain, Apr 22 2011

AntiQuark, Apr 24 2011

       //They could be those little bone-buttons that you used to get in bacon. Actually, they don't seem to exist anymore//   

       So that's what happened to the crispy bacon we used to have before the war?
mouseposture, Apr 24 2011

       Which war was that, exactly?   

       // even the cat //   

       We are pleased to be able to inform you that BorgCo offers a much cheaper, faster and greener method of obtaining not just a model of the cat's skeleton, but the actual genuine skeleton itself. ..   

       Admittedly, the method isn't a very positive experience for the cat.
8th of 7, Apr 24 2011

       //Which war was that, exactly?// Has there been more than one? Dang, I really must catch up on my newspaper reading.
mouseposture, Apr 24 2011

       //Unless you have a baculum or some other skeletal aspect diverging from species norm//   

       There are a multitude of cranial variations within what most would consider normal. Hence phrenology. I am almost certain I could differentiate between a copy of my skull and a randomly picked human skull, as could most anyone else with the level of vanity required to want one of these.   

       I am that vain. [+]
MikeD, Apr 24 2011

       "[MikeD], the only man other than Zaphoh Beeblebrox for whom the Total Perspective Vortex holds no fear. ..
8th of 7, Apr 24 2011

       [8th]; I heard that after the loss of the piece of fairy cake, you returned the vortex to Fully-Mission-Capable status with a piece of alley cat.
MikeD, Apr 24 2011

       //There are a multitude of cranial variations within what most would consider normal. Hence phrenology. I am almost certain I could differentiate between a copy of my skull and a randomly picked human skull, as could most anyone else with the level of vanity required to want one of these.//   

       Is every skull unique, like snowflakes?
(FWIW, I don't actually believe that about snowflakes).

       Funnily enough, one of my ambitions is to get my skull turned into a paper-weight. I like to think of it resting its upper teeth on the desk of one of my descendants. I've not actually done anything about arranging it yet, though.
Why? Well, there's a blessing (perhaps ancient and chinese) : "May all your wishes come true, except one". It's good to have a plan which can't be brought to fruition until after I'm dead.
Loris, Apr 26 2011

       Beware, [Loris], some might see that as an opportunity- or indeed a challenge. ..
8th of 7, Apr 26 2011

       //Is every skull unique, like snowflakes?//   

       Down to the cellular level? I don't see how it couldn't be. I'm sure even identical twins would have subtle differences due to external factors whilst the cranial cartilidge ossified.
MikeD, Apr 26 2011

       To me, most of the suturing between cranial plates looks totally random, at anything below an half-inch level.
baconbrain, Apr 26 2011


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