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Meditation dome

A dedicated place in the office to meditate
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Meditation is being recognized more and more as a very effective tool to combat stress, anxiety, mild depressions, etc... It's also proven to spectacularly increase happiness levels.

Each office should have a meditation room, where employees can spend 15 minutes a day exercising. This will seriously enhance productivity and create happier people on the workfloor.

To make this happen, a simple meditation space is needed. The space itself is very important. A company could transform an office into such a place, but it might be much easier to buy a meditation dome off the shelf.

The meditation dome is an extremely simple device, but its simplicity is exactly what makes it powerful.

1. The dome is made of a bright translucent, dim bioplastic; when you're inside you can see only vague contours of the outside; the dome form evokes the primordial comfort of a womb

2. It is dimly lit by a shaded light in the apex of the dome

3. Inside the dome it is perfectly quiet

4. A soft, thermoregulated floor allows you to sit on it comfortably

5. For the rest, there's nothing there, except for a meditation object (preferrably abstract).

I made a picture of this ultra-simple idea.

django, May 28 2006

The very simple dome http://i59.photobuc.../meditationbulb.jpg
People are meditating happily [django, May 28 2006]

The very simple dome, open http://i59.photobuc...itationbulbopen.jpg
The meditation object can be anything; a gong, a cone, a buddha statue... [django, May 28 2006]

Meditation alters the structure of the brain http://home.att.net...n/monks.brains.html
Some buddhist monks' "left-right" brain imbalance is so big that measurig devices go tilt - this means 'immeasurable' happiness [django, May 29 2006]

'Dim' means 'mat' in Dutch http://lookwayup.co...t&h=dictpage&s=d&b=
mat [a] (dim, subdued) lacking in light; not bright or harsh. [django, May 29 2006]

Cone of Silence http://instapunk.co...cone-of-silence.jpg
From the classic Mel Brooks series, "Get Smart"... [MrWrong, Jun 01 2006]


       Also affords employees the idea that they are valuable and valued as humans, and encourages them to take care of themselves, and gives them a reward each day. I would love this.
epicproblem, May 29 2006

       /It's also proven to spectacularly increase happiness levels/   

       Circumstantial at best.   

       /a meditation room, where employees can spend 15 minutes a day exercising/   

       Wouldn't that be an exercise room?   

       /bright translucent, dim bioplastic/   

       Come again?   

       /Inside the dome it is perfectly quiet/   

Texticle, May 29 2006

       wrong shape altogether
po, May 29 2006

       Ok, Texticle, my English isn't that strong, I will work on it. But on the points you're raising:   

       1. The neurological evidence for meditation's effects on increasing general feelings of 'wellbeing' and 'happiness' is overwhelming, not circumstantial. This is not even a topic for debate any longer. Countless studies, many of them based on fMRI scans have established this as a simple fact.   

       2. No, it would not be an exercise room. Stop taking me on my mediocre English. There's a clear difference between what I'm trying to describe and an ordinary exercise room. You are trying to pick on people, I've seen this in many of your comments. It's extremely annoying. So please stop it, and be a bit more lenient, will you? Thanks.   

       3. "Bright translucent dim bioplastic" - is what it is: a bioplastic with a bright color (white -- yes I know strictly speaking white is not a 'color' so please don't pick on this), white refers here to the color; translucent = translucent; dim = I searched this in a Dutch-English dictionary and it means what I want it to mean: "dim" = (dim, subdued) lacking in light; not bright or harsh; dim refers here to the general aspect of the dome.   

       4. Inside the dome it is perfectly quiet: yes, this is so because this is the halfbakery and because here you don't have to explain every little detail of an idea. So in the dome it is perfectly quiet because I want it to be so, and because posting ideas at the halfbakery is a hobby for me, where I'm willing to explain things, but not to someone who merely wants to make a critical comment for the sake of making a critical comment.   

       Thanks. I'm really pissed off Texticle. That's because of your nitty gritty useless comments. And I'm not alone, I can tell you.
django, May 29 2006

       Awwwrouwl. For a guy who's got "immeasurable happiness" only a 15-minute exercise away, you're pretty high-strung!   

       A meditation room (or just a place to be quiet and relax) is nice. Don't think it needs a dome, but, you know. Whatever works for you!
ping, May 29 2006

       [+] I'm voting for this because this *IS* the halfbakery and I understand what you are saying in your idea and your annos. There wouldn't be enough room where I work, nor would some employers give a rat's ass about their employees' well being- but they should.   

       ps--I want/need more than 15 mins.
xandram, May 30 2006

       /I'm willing to explain things, but not to someone who merely wants to make a critical comment for the sake of making a critical comment./   


       I ask again: how is it perfectly quiet inside the dome? I apologise if that question offends, but I fail to see how _a tent_ pitched inside a busy office achieves internal silence.   

       I also stand by my comment re: proven spectacular happiness increase, unless by "proven" you mean "suggested".
Texticle, May 31 2006

       All I can think of is "Get Smart" and the Cone of Silence... (see link)   

       [+] merely for conjuring those memories. :)
MrWrong, Jun 01 2006

       Evidently "how" means "fuck you" in Dutch.
Texticle, Jun 01 2006

       Nope, but fuck means baby seal in Quebec. See how these things come full circle?   

       //Also affords employees the idea that they are valuable and valued as humans, and encourages them to take care of themselves, and gives them a reward each day.//... <marx> so employers can suck every last cent of labour out of them and their hopeless existences, and still not have a revolution on their hands.</marx>
m_Al_com, Jun 01 2006


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