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League Deep Club

The Mile High Club's down-to-earth counterpart
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Membership is granted to individuals who have successfully engaged in sexual activity on a subway.

(The author's membership status shall remain undisclosed)

placid_turmoil, Feb 20 2007

Unit of length: the Rod http://en.wikipedia...wiki/Rod_%28unit%29
[placid_turmoil, Feb 21 2007]

S.N.A.P./R.T.G. http://en.wikipedia...liary_Power_Program
As mentioned in an annotation [Vernon, Feb 21 2007]

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea http://www.gutenber...text01/2000010a.txt
Thanks to Project Gutenberg, this copyright-expired book is on-line. If you search the text for the word "zinc", you will reach the part that describes the power source of the Nautilus. Apparently, electric batteries using a sodium-based reaction. Ordinary electrochemistry, and not nuclear. Alas. [Vernon, Feb 27 2007]

Advanced batteries might be enough for a sub http://www.wired.co...dmag/0,71414-0.html
A big sub could hold a lot more batteries than the car described here, of course. [Vernon, Feb 27 2007]


       As a league is actually three nautical miles, this would be reserved for deep shaft miners or submariners in rescue or research type vehicles.
nuclear hobo, Feb 21 2007

       I have always puzzled about "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea". I would think even Jules would know that would put you squarely in the magma.
bungston, Feb 21 2007

       uhhh bungston, a league is not implied to be perpendicular to the surface of the water body but rather as a measure of distance. much like a yard, or a chain or other obscure measures of length. Mark Twains however are a measure that I believe implies depth below the surface of the water.
jhomrighaus, Feb 21 2007

       //I have always puzzled about "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea".//   

       What an excellent novel that is; a far-sighted, evocative vision of what life will be like when underwater soccer is the most popular sport in the world.
imaginality, Feb 21 2007

       Is that where our own vernon got his name from?   

       and 20,000 leagues distance while under the sea. Hmm I wondered about that title.   

       Evidently taking disolved oxygen out of the sea is a lot easier than seperating water and oxygen. you just reduce the pressure and sort of suck it out of solution.   

       Did we just imagine that sub into a nuclear sub later on with the movie or was it that way in the book?   

       You really have to live down there to go 20,000 leagues or go really fast. I like this idea a lot better than the mile high club because sea captains have a history of marrying people off.
MercuryNotMars, Feb 21 2007

       Perhaps "fathom deep" would be better. A fathom is 6 feet (2 yards.) One yard = 0.9144 meters. So a fathom is 1.8288 meters, about the depth of your standard subway.   

       Google "submarine sex" for futher notes.
csea, Feb 21 2007

       [csea] I thought about fathom, but it's a bit obscure and doesn't have that snappy monosyllabicity to it... Taking your concerns to heart, however, I went length unit digging on Wikipedia, and uncovered a gem: the Rod!
placid_turmoil, Feb 21 2007

       To the best of my knowledge, Jules Verne was knowledgeable about radioactivity, and that an unexplained source of energy was involved. Thus he could take this of-his-day science fact and assume that energy source had been mastered, to power his fictional sub. Believe it or not, I actually haven't read the book, so I don't know the words he used in describing the power source for the "Nautilus". It is not wrong to call it "nuclear powered", but technically, what we think of as nuclear power can't really be what Verne was talking about; nuclear fission wasn't discovered until the 1930s, long after the book was written. I will suggest that the modern version of "mastering" the kind of nuclear energy that Verne knew about is called "S.N.A.P./R.T.G." (see link). Unfortunately, while this power source can last for decades, it's not really practical (powerful enough) for running a submarine.   

       {edit} Actually I may have read the book as a child, and have forgotten many details. Certainly I haven't read it in the last 30 years.
Vernon, Feb 21 2007

       Twenty Thousand Leagues Beneath the Sea does not refer to depth, as that would be a point some 12,000 mi. out in space on the other side of the planet. Instead it refers to *traveling* that distance while submerged.   

       Buns Up! I'll do it pretty much anywhere.
nuclear hobo, Feb 21 2007

       Much as I blush whilst admitting it, I would be eligible for membership in [placid_turmoil]'s club.
squeak, Feb 21 2007

       Sounds romantic, [squeak]. And hygienic.
Texticle, Feb 21 2007

       "Full fathom five? Thy father lies."
baconbrain, Feb 21 2007

       [+] for [Baconbrain]'s annotation.
MaxwellBuchanan, Feb 21 2007


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