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Knight Rider GPS Navigation

If It's Good Enough For Hasselhoff...
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While GPS systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated almost daily, it seems that an obvious market is being missed out; the people that wish their car was K.I.T.T.

Unfortunately self-driving cars are still some way off, and it's unlikely that a car with a built in flamethrower would be road legal. But these minor details should be no deterrent for the true Knight Rider enthusiast.

This GPS navigation system would eschew modern 'interactive 3d map' rubbish and consist of three vertical red lines that match the voice of William Daniels giving the user directions. By keeping this system simple there will be space to include many variations of directions to delay the onset of repetition.

The user will also be given the opportunity to enter their name, although the system may still occasionally call them Michael and then apologise politely.

Also included is a holographic strip for the front of the car

hidden truths, Apr 30 2007

K.I.T.T. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KITT
For those not familiar with the classic telelvision show [hidden truths, Apr 30 2007]

When not to trust your GPS http://www.timesonl...s/article707216.ece
[imaginality, Apr 30 2007]

Meanwhile in Germany... http://www.spiegel....1518,443495,00.html
...K.I.T.T. takes to the tracks [imaginality, Apr 30 2007]

Cybercars http://www.cybercars.org/
Irritating front page [skinflaps, May 01 2007]

Mr T freakin' rules http://navtones.com/
Surely KITT can't be far behind. [stilgar, May 02 2007]

Less Gay Voice Please http://www.allheadl...articles/7005091736
I always thought KITT was a little White in the Walls... [Giblet, May 02 2007]

Flamethrower car http://www.youtube....watch?v=fDrzMGdYWZc
Road legal in South Africa. [ye_river_xiv, Dec 26 2011]


       This almost makes me tempted to get a car. [+]   

       I foresee occasional mishaps though:   

       "The driver was taken to hospital suffering from chest and leg injuries. Paramedics at the scene said he was lucky to survive the crash, and particularly lucky that the car had crashed onto the riverbank instead of landing in the river.   

       "Witnesses said that the driver actually seemed to accelerate towards the unfinished bridge, despite the clear warning signs. One witness, a fisherman who had been fishing by the bridge when the accident occurred, said, 'I could have sworn I heard him yelling, "No, K.I.T.T., we don't need to brake - you can jump it! I know you can!"'   

       "And now to other local news..."
imaginality, Apr 30 2007

       Hah. I was expecting more along the lines of "The man later claimed to be purplexed as to why the turbo boosters hadn't kicked in"
hidden truths, May 01 2007

       I think that generally, celebrity voices for GPS would be excellent. In particular:   

       Yoda "mmm, at the next junction, turning right you will be" (possibly also Darth Vader or Obi Wan(Alec Guinness))   

       Commander Data (and lots of other people from Star Trek)   

       Cristopher Walken, Al Pacino (car chase GPS) "ok, hang a left up here, don't lose him"   

       Morgan Freeman (driving Miss Daisy)
marklar, May 01 2007

       // I think that generally, celebrity voices for GPS would be excellent. In particular:   

       Yoda "mmm, at the next junction, turning right you will be" (possibly also Darth Vader or Obi Wan(Alec Guinness))   

       Commander Data (and lots of other people from Star Trek)   

       Cristopher Walken, Al Pacino (car chase GPS) "ok, hang a left up here, don't lose him"   

       Morgan Freeman (driving Miss Daisy) //   

       Already baked.
TheLightsAreOnBut, May 01 2007

       To quote Peter Griffin, "That is the smartest thing I have ever heard anyone say about anything." Seriously. Definitely bunning this.
MrDark, May 02 2007

       I heard somewhere that there is a Mr. T patch for GPS (goes off to look)...
stilgar, May 02 2007

       These guys are sure to make a fortune. I rarely drive further than one town over in either direction but I'm still tempted to get a GPS just to hear Mr T yelling directions to work.
stilgar, May 02 2007

       [TheLightsAreOnBut] wins the award for longest quote.
marklar, May 02 2007

       How about the "angry girlfriend" gps "you missed the turn."   

       "Well why didn't you tell me?"   

       "Because I thought you knew everything!"
ColonelMuffins, May 02 2007

       //it's unlikely that a car with a built in flamethrower would be road legal//   

       Actually.... See link.
ye_river_xiv, Dec 26 2011

       Yes, James Earl Jones please.
RayfordSteele, Dec 27 2011


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