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Ketchup Singles

Ketchup packaged like cheese singles.
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Dehydrate the ketchup a little and package it just like cheese singles. In certain situations, it would be more convenient and less messy to have ketchup in a semi-solid state like cheese, mainly on burgers. This would eliminate ketchup squeeze-out which is both messy and robs an individual ketchup on the burger. It would be particularly useful for picnics that would normally require transportation of a ketchup bottle that should be refrigerated after opening. Because the Ketchup Singles are individually wrapped, they won't require refrigeration and potential ketchup bottle accidents are averted.

Ketchup singles might be better than liquid ketchup in food service where liquid dispensing is a hassle. In this case, the singles might be packaged differently to reduce packaging waste and facilitate mechanical placement (ketchup-single shooter). Alternately, provide a cylindar of semi-solid ketchup and just cut slices for each serving.

VARIATIONS: Mustard single. Combine ketchup and mustard in one single. Other condiments. (I believe someone already has invented and markets relish singles.)

rgandhi, Apr 16 2004

Bo’s Original Slice of Sauce™ https://www.sliceofsauce.com/
Now on kickstarter. Shelf-stable! [jutta, Mar 30 2018]

Fasces https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces
An axe to grind ? [8th of 7, Apr 04 2018]


       You know that semi-solid "crust" that forms around the top of the ketchup bottle when you drip and don't wipe it off? Yeah, that stuff. It's gross and I don't want it on my burger. I'll stick with individual packets of nice runny ketchup.
tchaikovsky, Apr 16 2004

       I would like to prevent the mess that runny ketchup and mustard make, but I like the juiciness. Ketchup flavored Jello may do the trick. Could even help to prevent a few accidents caused by people who eat their burgers while driving.
kbecker, Apr 16 2004

       sorry, bad idea. I like my liquids liquid, my solids solids, my aerosols aero-sol and my thixotropic substances thixotropix (when it comes to comestibles at least).
neilp, Dec 17 2004

       I think this just psyllium...
[jutta] beat me to the [link].

       If you keep a plastic bottle of ketchup in your handy -80 freezer overnight, you can then shatter the entire thing - contents and bottle - into shards. I'm not sure this is helpful, but I'm sure someone will find a problem that it's the solution too.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 03 2018

       Frozen ketchup featured in a book I read as a child, the protagonist tried many ways to stop his ketchup coming out of his sandwich.
pocmloc, Apr 03 2018

       A process exists whereby the original poster can make kickstarter aware of a claim for prior existing intellectual property. I started down this road with them over my inflatable hoodie idea, but never followed it through to completion for various reasons.
xenzag, Apr 03 2018

       // A process exists whereby the original poster can make kickstarter aware of a claim for prior existing intellectual property. //   

       What would that do though? If a person has publically disclosed an original thought or invention then, without an inalienable first-to-invent right, anyone in the public can use whatever creativity happens to be in their domain without legally having to credit any prior art.   


I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it again. It's ok. You can put the tranq gun back in the cubby.

       That's your choice, but kickstarter has rules that are put there to protect idea originators from copy theft. You may feel differently if the product you invented becomes a run away success, bringing untold wealth, power and exotic concubines bearing great trunks filled to overflowing with all manner of the desireable bling of 21st century life.
xenzag, Apr 04 2018


       Stack 'em over there, with the others.
pertinax, Apr 04 2018

       //exotic concubines bearing great trunks filled to overflowing// - haven't these exotic concubines heard of suitcases with wheels on them?! It's the 21st century - all suitcases have wheels on now! After carrying these great trunks your exotic concubines are going to need a rest and a cup of tea. You're likely to get a lot more exoticness and concubinage from them if they are instead "...wheeling great trunks filled to overflowing".
hippo, Apr 04 2018

       //If a person has publically disclosed an original thought or invention then, without an inalienable first-to-invent right, anyone in the public can use whatever creativity happens to be in their domain without legally having to credit any prior art.// My gods - what you're suggesting is that if you blab an idea to the world at large without first pointing out that you'd like to keep it for yourself, the world at large is free to do as it wishes with the idea - shock, horror!   

       <checks spring tension; decides it can be wound up a little more before snapping>
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 04 2018

       You don't need to point out anything to anyone. Being the first to verifiably publish an idea in any format establishes prima fascia evidence of intellectual ownership. That's why patent offices carry out extensive searches to ensure originality. Ownership only needs to be claimed and proven in the event of a dispute. Look up the kickstarter rules to learn something about this if you want to be better informed instead of risking bursting your eyeball playing with knicker elastic.
xenzag, Apr 04 2018

       // prima fascia //   

       We think you mean "fasces", actually. Are you a lictor, then ?   

8th of 7, Apr 04 2018

       prima feces ? Now that's good shit.
FlyingToaster, Apr 04 2018

       // good shit //   

       Sp. "gooood shit, man".
8th of 7, Apr 04 2018

       //My gods - what you're suggesting is that if you blab an idea to the world at large without first pointing out that you'd like to keep it for yourself, the world at large is free to do as it wishes with the idea - shock, horror!//   

       In the not too distant past, both public-disclosure and filing-for-patent guaranteed credit went to an actual inventor.
I can point out that I'd like to keep an original idea for myself all I want, but without paying extortion my one and only right is to shut up because I have lost the very basic human right to claim an actual original thought as my own for free.

       You technically still have this right you've just been conned into thinking that you don't have it anymore, remember?   

       //<checks spring tension; decides it can be wound up a little more before snapping>//   

       Wind away my good man, wind away... all energy can be converted.
I find that the role of spoiler suits my modest needs just fine so, all of my little attic-toys are there for the taking. I will not pay another human for the inalienable "right" to my own original thoughts.

       Seeds grow.
This place has very fertile soil.
...and instant karma is a bitch.

       // my own original thoughts //   

       All Your Thought Are Belong To Us ....
8th of 7, Apr 04 2018

       //Look up the kickstarter rules to learn something about this if you want to be better informed// Uh, [xen], the problem is that you're mistaken, except in the domain of copyright. Pretty much everywhere, now, if you disclose an invention without first filing a patent, then it is considered to be in the public domain, and anyone can exploit that invention. I could, for instance, take any of the ideas (and I use that term loosely) that you have posted here, and set up a factory to manufacture them. Of course, anyone _else_ could set up another factory to compete with me - it's a free-for-all.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 05 2018

       You are mistaken, and would lose court action over theft of intellectual property. This is a very expensive process which is why most people won't go down that road, including me.
xenzag, Apr 05 2018

       ... unless you set up in China, where IP means very little, and distribute your product through a range of unscrupulous middlemen.
8th of 7, Apr 05 2018

       //You are mistaken,// Well, that's always possible. On the other hand, I have got a number of patents myself; have lost a number of patents through prior disclosure (and, of course, some others through others' prior art); and have acted as expert witness in a huge patent dispute based on prior disclosure. So, on balance, I think not.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 05 2018

       You cannot obtain patents where there is prior disclosure but proof of publication protects intellectual ownership. Meanwhile, your offer to begin manufacturing of my ideas as published here is accepted and I look forward to a profitable future. (with you doing all of the work of course and me lounging in a hammock as you carry out your simultaneous additional punkah wallah duties)
xenzag, Apr 05 2018

       Yes, [xen], that's copyright.
MaxwellBuchanan, Apr 05 2018


       I need to re-word something.
I will not pay another "being" for the inalienable right to my own original thoughts.

That was close.


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