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Infrared Facewarmer Headlamp

Infrared Headlamp Warms Nose/Face to Avoid a Cold
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You may have seen these headband-style headlamps which people can use for hands-free illumination. Some people even use them when camping, including even wearing them while sleeping at night, so that they can navigate when getting up to answer nature's call nocturnally.

We want a headlamp that can emit infrared heat -- not projecting it outward away from the face, but shining it downward across the face and nose.

Just as wearing glasses can be more comfortable to some than wearing contact lenses, likewise wearing a small headlamp might be more comfortable than wearing a face-mask to keep your face and nose warm on a chilly night, especially during camping situations.

The soft headband for this device would have a small umbilical also made of soft material, at the end of which would be a USB-C connector to draw power from a portable power bank.

sanman, Oct 12 2024


       Interesting. [+]
doctorremulac3, Oct 12 2024

Voice, Oct 12 2024

       Could be propane fired, with a pocket mounted canister
pocmloc, Oct 13 2024

       Li-Ion battery pack. Well-fitted headband. Temp settings on headband. Roll over on button. Glitch. Burn face off.   

       The energy to make heat rather than light necessitates a major power source: electric or chemical. I don't want to wear anything that could air-fry my head.   

       But I like the idea!
minoradjustments, Oct 13 2024

       @ minoradjustments: the infrared emitter could be recessed. The temperature control could be one of those small sticky sliding switches, that you might see on a small radio or other pocket device.
sanman, Oct 13 2024


       Sorry, I accidentally hit the All Caps key.
minoradjustments, Oct 13 2024


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