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Inflatable Lounger Tent

Inflatable Lounger + Rain Fly = Personal Tent for Backpacker
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An inflatable lounger has a mountable rain fly, making for an exceptionally large and compact all-weather tent for backpackers.

As per the first link, there can be a parabolic canopy over the head area, which would reflect thermal infrared onto the face to keep it warm. Same canopy would also help support rain fly.

sanman, Oct 09 2024

Inflatable Lounger https://www.amazon....yard/dp/B0D77XRTWW/
[sanman, Oct 09 2024]

Cot Tent https://www.youtube...watch?v=mvkHur-Pwm8
(too big for backpacking) [sanman, Oct 09 2024]

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       The la-Z-boy scouts are going to love this.   

       I suspect traditional backpackers wouldn't go for it because it would be too much trouble to inflate and deflate every day, but there are many ways to camp and someone would like this.
5th Earth, Oct 10 2024

       @ 5th Earth: go to that first link I gave for the Inflatable Lounger and then click on the videos. You'll see how easy it is to inflate. You're not using a pump. You literally whip the thing thru the air and it scoops up air to become inflated, just like a wind sock.
sanman, Oct 10 2024


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