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Induction Cooktop with Weighing Scale

Portable Induction Cooktop With Built-in Digital Weighing Scale
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Kitchen appliance is a portable induction cooktop, but also has a built-in digital weighing scale. This enables you to both cook and also add in ingredients while measuring them by weight. This would be a useful feature to make cooking easier when following recipes by weight measurements.
sanman, Jan 23 2024

Induction Cooktop https://www.amazon....600LS/dp/B01FLR0ET8
small portable induction cooktop [sanman, Jan 23 2024]

Kitchen Scale https://www.amazon....pered/dp/B07S6F6LHQ
digital kitchen scale [sanman, Jan 23 2024]

Good to know what a tar button is when commenting on it. https://www.google....GA8&sclient=gws-wiz
Resets to zero, doesn't delineate ingredients by weight. [doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024]

You've inspired me. Skillet_20or_20Pot_...20Cooking_20Process
[doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024]


       [+] This would work. Hit the ‘tare’ button before adding new stuff. Pretty good when coming up with recipes, too. I can never remember exactly how much chili oil I added to the Pad Thai.
minoradjustments, Jan 23 2024

       It could be networked to a data logger and a RFID or barcode reader so as you pick up the chili oil and pour it in, the system calculates the amount you added and graphs that against time and temperature. At the end it listens Alexa style for mmms and yums or bleurghs or recriminations and uses AI voice recognition to detect specific comments e.g. "hy dod you put so much chili oil in its inedible". Then it calculates a weighted score and a little sticky label printed dispenses a badge that you can wear with a Tripadvisor style star score for your cooking today.
pocmloc, Jan 23 2024

       This is an amazing idea, just put the pan or bowl on first and hit "Calibrate" so it zeros out and you only get the food measurements.   

       Then push a button as you add each ingredient so it lists those separately. So if it's 2 pounds of chicken you hit "Ingredient added" and it shows you a readout of "Ingredient 1= 2 pounds" then mushrooms, hit "Next" button lists "Ingredient 2= 8oz" chicken broth, hit the button, wine, hit the button etc.   

       Lighter ingredients like salt and shallots probably wouldn't show up but the main ingredients could just be put in until the numbers were right.   

       This is a really amazing idea. [+]
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       It's not built into the stovetop. It's a portable appliance, he even put a link up as an example.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       So sanman, looks like the idea is baked, but the individual ingredients delineation might still be patentable.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       Yea, looking at that 2015 patent looks like the delineation thing where you have one area and just push a button for "Intredient 1, 2, 3, 4" etc is a completely new idea.   

       So to be clear it'd work like this.   

       Start Measurement (push)   

       Ingredient one... (dots sequencially blink while waiting, put stuff on burner-push ingredient one added) Ingredient one= 1.5 pounds (readout moved to...) Ingredient two... etc.   

       Again, it wouldn't have the lighter ingredients, but the main stuff would all be listed on the screen and your recipe would be what you'd look at to see what ingredient one was.   

       Maybe I'll patent it.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       Last try, a tar button just resets the scale, this keeps a log of the ingredients that you can refer back to, you can also scroll back and add more or take out some as you adjust the recipe for flavor, texture etc.   

       Goes without saying that you can get a total at the end if you want.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       tare, yes, left off the e by typing too fast.   

       So you get an A for spellcheck to make up for everything else.   

       Or a smily face sticker, however that's graded.   

       Anyway sanman, sometimes you can find an idea you thought of has already been done, but take it to the next level with an improvement.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       I'm adding that you can input the recipe downloaded from the web.   

       Click on the recipe page, bluetooth it to the scale and add the ingredients as prompted. "Chicken, 2 pounds..." when you put the right amount in it says "Next ingredient..." and weighs it until it says "STOP". We're still talking a cooking scale here, eliminate use of multiple containers.   

       It would also feature timing and instructions. "Stir till timer says done". Then 5 minutes later at 350 degrees, it says "Now add mushrooms..." Those scolling periods are integral to the idea, they keep strobing till the correct weight of the ingredient as been added, then it says "STOP" and gives the next instruction with a running timer. "Stir..." then "STOP" after the appropiate cooking time.   

       Thanks for helping with this A1. I think now I've really got something here. For the first time this is something that I'd actually buy.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       Just occurred to me, could do this with a skillet as well. Leave out the whole heating mechanism, I think that would be better, certainly easier.
doctorremulac3, Jan 23 2024

       The 'tare' thing is standard functionality for most modern digital kitchen scales, so that was baked into what I posted in the first place. Indeed, my own kitchen scale certain works that way, and is part of what I like about it. So I certainly had that in mind when I posted this concept.   

       But now that I think about it, this same idea could be incorporated into various kitchen appliances like multi-cookers, etc, which tend to be space-saving multi-function appliances.
sanman, Jan 24 2024

       Actually, now that I think about it - why not even for a kitchen blender?
sanman, Jan 24 2024

       How about a cutting board then?
sanman, Jan 25 2024

       [a1] I don’t want anything called a ‘Gourmate’ near my kitchen. It sounds like something you found on your neck after a shower.
minoradjustments, Jan 28 2024

       You're all thinking back to front. The device should be in the form of a pad that the user stands on. Whenever the user picks something up the unit sets a tare, and then measures the gradual lightening as the stuff is poured out.
pocmloc, Jan 28 2024


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