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Imminent Collision Strobes

Similar to two much older ideas in this category.
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I noticed several months ago, while driving a rental car (a 2021 Hyundai Elantra, IIRC) that it had some sort of imminent collision sensor equipped. While accelerating on a two-lane on- ramp, about to overtake a slower vehicle ahead of me, the instrument cluster emitted a loud audible tone and flashed a message saying something about an imminent collision as I got dangerously close to the rear bumper of the vehicle I was about to overtake (I'm not defending my driving style, just being factual).

It seems to me that something similar on the back of the vehicle could simply flash some bright red strobes, mounted as close to the average eye level as possible, to get the attention of a potentially inattentive driver coming at high speed from behind within a certain distance. This wouldn't require any equipment be installed in that vehicle, doesn't depend on them being able to hear a tone from your vehicle, and should be bright enough to catch even an inattentive driver's peripheral vision.

21 Quest, Mar 02 2022

CIWS https://en.wikipedi...se-in_weapon_system
[bs0u0155, Mar 05 2022]


       + flashing this bun towards you.
xandram, Mar 04 2022

       //instrument cluster//
Per JG Ballard (which seems apropos in the context), the favoured term is "instrument binnacle"
calum, Mar 04 2022

       Somebody has to have thought of this no? [+]
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       I've seen those! They were also part of the inspiration for this idea.
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       I'd think instead of having a light just have a horn that senses the dangerously fast approaching car and blasts a horn.   

       The driver is probably looking down anyway, maybe doing some incredibly important texting, and the horn would get their attention.   

       This could be something you just attach to the back of your car, either wired into the electrical system or even battery powered. It's a system that would seldom go off like a smoke detector so the batteries could theoretically last a long time.   

       Could use the light too but seems like a standard car horn that's the way we get people's attention would be the way to go no?
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       The only problem with a horn is that, unless it's basically a semi truck air horn blast, there's a good chance it won't be heard if the approaching vehicle has the windows up, music blasting, headphones blocking their ears (illegal but quite common) or is literally deaf... in which case even the air horn blast would go unnoticed.
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       So be it, make that sucker blast no? If they're got headphones and they're looking down and putting emojis on funny tweets everyone involved is screwed anyway.   

       By the way, buy two and put one on the back AND the front maybe. Warn somebody about to rear end you AND you if you're about to rear end somebody.   

       I've got a name for it too. Call it:   

       The Collision Warning System. (you thought I was going to try to name it something cute)
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       I need everyone to have this, badly. Maybe I can get Biden to send all people free lights, for their safety, and maybe mine...hahaha
blissmiss, Mar 04 2022

       Agreed, this is absolutely the idea of the week.
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       I feel like the name should somehow work in the word "Ludicrous". This alludes both to the infamous "Ludicrous Speed" line from Spaceballs, and the song "Move B*tch".
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       Sad to say I never saw that. Link?
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       Know you don’t like the horn idea but a cheaper version could just tie into the existing horn.
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       The existing horn, being forward-facing, would be even less audible to a vehicle approaching from behind and confuse the crap out of the guy ahead of you! As a tie in tool, pairing an audible solution WITH the strobe, however, it could probably work quite well.
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       I could see that.   

       Of course 20 years from now when all cars are self driving we'll look back at this and say "Remember those ideas to keep stupid humans from crashing into each other back when we actually allowed them to drive?" (shudder)
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       I'm reminded of a scene from I, Robot when Will Smith's supervisor, investigating a crash, gives him a disapproving look as he says it appears he had been driving in manual mode.
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       Didn't see that either. Gotta watch more movies.   

       Then I see Hollywood's coming out with a 3 hour Batman remake and say "Nah, I'm good."
doctorremulac3, Mar 04 2022

       Spaceballs is a classic. Mel Brooks flick, parodies Star Trek and Star Wars pretty heavily. I, Robot is based on an Asimov novel. Both highly appropriate for the HB.
21 Quest, Mar 04 2022

       *channels 8th for a moment*   

       How about "Collision Imminent Warning System". This would involve the usual array of sensors and computational logic, but coupled to a 4500 rounds per minute M61 Vulcan gatling gun which would ensure safety by clearing the obstacle from the vehicles path. Coincidentally, it shares the acronym CIWS with Close In Weapons System <link>. It also shares many of the same components as it is the same system.   

       The "Warning" component is simply the distinctive sound of the 20mm gatling gun. If you hear it, the system saved you, from whatever it was that used to exist in your path.
bs0u0155, Mar 05 2022

       Ahh yes, excellent 8th channeling, bravo! We need more of that.
doctorremulac3, Mar 05 2022


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