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Immersive Safety Briefing

An airline safety presentation that passengers can't ignore.
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Inspired by wowbagger's idea. Instead of having FAs buckling a seatbelt while a DVD plays in the background, turn the safety briefing into an immersive (but fun) simulation for the passengers. As the plane begins to push back all of the cabin lights go out and the presentation begins. Subwoofers vibrate the floor and simulate airplane crashing noises. Orange lights flicker across the ceiling to represent flames. Fog fills the cabin. A booming voice narrates by saying "The aircraft has crashed, please locate the nearest exit immediately!" followed by a spotlight illuminating the exit. The sound of wind begins rushing through the cabin and the FA shouts for the passengers to put on their own oxygen masks, before assisting others.

-this doesn't actually require oxygen masks to drop or life jackets to be donned, the instructions can be demonstrated byt the FA just like on a regular flight but with more flare.

DIYMatt, Nov 29 2012


       Who would pay for having most of the seats cleaned afterwards ?   

       This would scare the bejazus out of the majority of airline passengers. [+].
8th of 7, Nov 29 2012

       //A booming voice narrates by saying "The aircraft has crashed, please locate the nearest exit immediately!" followed by// several passengers (who have snoozed through the preamble) leaping up and trampling eachother on the way to the exits. Those that reach the doors first yank the emergency opening lever, jettisoning the expensive doors and activating the evacuation ramps.   

       Maybe a better approach would be to have a quiz after the briefing. Three or four random passengers would be selected (or normal passengers could be selected randomly), and any that fail to answer some simple safety questions are deplaned.
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 29 2012

       The quiz is a good idea, free beverage for getting it right, maybe being taken off the flight is a little harsh but they could be made to eat an extra meal as punishment...
wowbagger, Nov 29 2012

       // any that fail to answer some simple safety questions are deplaned. //   

       ... without the benefit of steps.   

       After takeoff.   

       // they could be made to eat an extra meal as punishment //   

       No, being thrown out at 26000 ft without a parachute would be kinder.
8th of 7, Nov 29 2012

       If they first played the mid-air collision scene from the film adaptation of Fight Club with the sound cranked all the way up, I think most passengers would pay close attention to the following demonstration (or anything that came next, for that matter).
Alterother, Nov 29 2012

       //26000 ft without a parachute// That imposes an unnecessary decompression on the other passengers, as well as costing more on fuel. Given that terminal velocity is reached within about a thousand feet...
MaxwellBuchanan, Nov 29 2012


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