The Harold Lloyd Alarming Clock comes
several parts.
There is the actual clock, which is of
course a small replica of the famous
timepiece from which he dangled
precariously in the 1923 classic silent
comedy film Safety Last!
The next item is the back-drop. This is a
low relief
version of the vertiginous
building and street-scape. You attach
this part to your wall, with the clock fixed
to it roughly at head height.
The most engineered part of the whole
apparatus is the Harold LLoyd figure
himself. He is a wind-up automata
marvel, who will grip unto the hour
hand and adjust his dangling
pose as the clock turns.
At the appointed hour which you have
previously set, his grip will fumble and
relax, allowing him to fall with a
clatter unto a previously concealed ledge
that shoots out from the background.
This shelf acts as the snooze control and
begins slowly retracting as LLoyd's
mechanical finger tips grip along its
outside edge.
Failure to interrupt this action leads to
fall again unto a toy truck, with a
trampoline on its back, which appears
from the double doors of a car park at
base of the building.
With careful positioning the flying Lloyd
figure, legs waving wildly in the air, can
made to finally land in a heap in middle
your bed.